Sunday, March 24, 2019

Please help find they Colorado car. It is a Chevy Cavalier (maybe) partial 636-L or 639-L
He ran thru a stop sign, causing damage to my car and drove off.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Disastrous! This week in the news has been just one disaster after another.

Looking at recent history over the last several years, you can see how America is taking China's one child law and super charging it. First you have Obama care mandating that everyone, men and women, get abortion and pregnancy prevention health coverage.

Seriously, Obama and the Democrats think men can get pregnant. How far is this depravity going to go.

So you're telling me when a Husband and Wife get married they are required to have an abortion simply because you don't like children?

Getting pregnant is a choice, except in the case of rape. Everyone knows how a baby is made. Sex is the means to having children. So if you don't know sex leads to pregnancy, then your parents have failed you. You choose to have sex, you are choosing to get pregnant. Sex is a choice.

Over the last few months the Democrats forced the government to shutdown and they went out and celebrated. As the Democrats were filling their bellies with fine wine and food, millions of Americans were struggling to put food on the table for their families.

Do Democrats really hate American and people overall that much? Their action say an astounding YES!

Then you have New York declaring it legal to allow a baby, even if given birth to, to be determined an abortion and allowing it to be left out in the cold, even on a hospital table to die.

At least in China you are allowed to have children. Also in China they value the lives of their children. Seeing the path America is taking, it is clear America does not value life. Then if you take the next logical step, if a living breathing baby can be killed, why not someone you don't like. We do see this in Islam.

In the Koran, there is a verse stating to 'kill the sick in the mind'. Well 'sick in the mind' is open to interpretation. Psycho doctors call normal people sick in the mind all the time. So in Islam, if you don't like someone or just want to go kill someone, you can say they are 'sick in the mind' and go kill them. With over 100 different verses in the Koran, Islam does not value life.

Are we to see murder made legal in America? It certainly does seem that way.

So now in America having children is going to be soon not a right. I see the day coming when people will require permission to have children.

These are not just the end times, it is the end. As persecution rises and morals are stripped away, the once safe world we thought we lived in will be unrecognizable.