Saturday, October 12, 2019

In the news there is a lot of talk from the Communists wanting to impeach President Trump. Let's get this straight. Communists are in America and they call them selves Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives. They also go by other names, but their goal is to bring about the next soviet union in America.

Anyone wanting to dictate religion, take away your guns, or subvert justice and the legal process ARE communists. I know, I've lived in a communists country for three years. I know how it works.

Stalin said 'We don't need religion.' The concept here is to take away hope in something greater, so you will put ALL your hope and trust in the government.

The concept of taking away your guns is simple. If you can't defend yourself it will be easier to subdue the population.

Taking away your rights in the legal process means you can just be silenced by being put away in some prison or terminated without being heard. Basically you are guilty as charged.

Personally, I did not serve, suffer, and fight to just hand over my country to communists. Not on my watch!