Monday, May 10, 2021

New drug or vaccine?

There is much debate going on about the mRNA vaccines. Then we have some bad news about the Johnson&Johnson vaccine. Is any of this safe? I remember in the military, before being sent to the new duty station overseas, I had to get a series of vaccines. That was done in the morning before breakfast. After breakfast I got very sick and lost all that breakfast. I got sick because of the vaccines. By the afternoon I was felling much better. This was many years ago. Can people get sick off a vaccine? Yes, I certanily did. But now people are concerned about the latest vaccines. The Johnson&Johnson vaccine is a traditional vaccine, just like the other ones we've all grown up with. The concern is with the 'new' technology, mRNA. I understand this technology. My suggestion for everyone is to do your own research before making a decision. You can never have too much information. Where will this lead? With all the people getting the mRNA vaccine, in the comming years we will know more about its long term effects and potential for use in future virouses.