Sunday, June 28, 2015

Supreme Court Ruling: this is foretold in the Bible. If you look back on the history of Israel, many times they turned from God, and God gave them into their sinful desires. There men chased after men, and their women likewise. Then those people would pass away without leaving a new generation to continue the nation. Only the few who did serve God remained and re-populated the nation with God fearing people. Then they turned from God again. This was a repeating cycle until God sent the nation away in captivity. Even after coming back to the land, they still turned from God. After Jesus came, God dispersed Israel about the Earth. It no longer was a nation for nearly 2000 years.

America is on the same path. Why do you think America is not spoken of in bible prophecy?

The 1960's in America were about turning from God's laws and setting up laws that allowed what God does not permit. Now we are two and three generations away from this times, now we are suffering for those sins.

Civil Rights claims were used to put patriots into prison. Now the Supreme Court is directly violating our Civil Rights as Christians. With this new decision, the American government is saying Christians are spreading hate speech, and the Bible is hate media.

Well I have this to say.

The Supreme Court is suppose to answer to Congress, and Congress should tell the Supreme Court 'You will not do this!'

When the courts of the land do not follow the law, then the people will suffer. The courts of America are not upholding the law, and now we Americans will begin to suffer more. Now it the time to fight for your rights given to you by God Almighty!

I personally plan to join my people in our Christian struggle.

Well I have this to say. This decision does not uphold the law. I have been through this in the late 1990's, even being 'encouraged' to forsake God. I was then and am now a Christian. I will not turn from God no matter how much persecution comes down on me.

Praise God! Jesus came to save the world through His sacrifice. No one come unto the Father except through Jesus!

Monday, June 8, 2015

There has been a song featured recently from Naturally 7. The name of the song is Fix You. This song comes across as a love song, and in it they state they will try to 'fix you'.

This song is laughable. No one can 'fix' another person. People often get married thinking they can fix the other person, or go to counseling hoping their spouse will be fixed. This attitude is often the cause of divorce. You can ask any psychologist. Everyone is broken and in need of improvement. We are born in sin and live sinful lives. Only through Jesus' death and resurrection are we saved and made whole.

The singers of this song re implying they are perfect and better than everyone else. This is a condition of human arrogance. We all like to think better of ourselves. We all like to put on a brave face for the public despite our lives are in shambles. Even Jesus talked about this.

Matthew 7:3-5: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Luke 6:41-42: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

We each need to address the issues we have first before we can help others with their own issues.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What happens to people when they get free money? I was recently reading about unemployment insurance, and it reminded me of the time I was on unemployment assistance. To start off, I am one who prefers to work. At the beginning of being on unemployment assistance, I looked for work. However, it was easy for me to fall into the mindset of 'why should I work when I get money for nothing'. This way of thinking has been seen more and more recently in the news because it is the common way of thinking for those whom are on welfare.

What unemployment assistance and welfare recipients miss is not work but the remuneration of work. For it is better to have a lack of wages than a lack of work. That is: it is better not to have this free money.

Having money with out earning it leads to a lack of appreciation for the money. Many who receive unemployment benefits and receive welfare feel entitled. They like having all this money to spend but don't want to work for it.

Since the government is 'paying' out all this money, those who receive it should be given jobs. If you really look at it. On the government web site,, and many other such sites list thousands of open positions. Many of these could be filled with those who are on unemployment assistance and welfare. But for some reason these jobs continue to go unfilled month after month, year after year. I have applied to these jobs many times and never getting a response back.

It would have been great if I had received a letter from the government stating I have been assigned a job with information on the job. Well, I was already getting 'paid'. So why not do the work that goes with it? This is my way of thinking, then and now.

Some measures have been enacted to reduce the number of welfare recipients. More measures need to be put in place.

For those who are on welfare, getting pregnant shows you have a man in your life and don't need the welfare money. For the man, going about having children you too should be dropped from receiving welfare money. Theses same rules should be applied to unemployment assistance.

Since children growing up without both parents together gives rise to irresponsible adults who go about having children they too don't care about, I think it would better if half the non-custodial parent's income go to child support.

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.