On my way to church I was listening to the radio. On air was a sermon. The minister began teaching about evolution. He was going through the steps of how life began on its own. He taught life grew into more complex life.
This is wrong.
Teaching that life began on its own is dismissing God.
The Bible is clear. Life began because God made it so.
But if that is not good enough for you, science proves life could not begin on its own. Darwin’s theory has been disproven. That is why it is still called a theory, a disproven theory.
In science, a theory is an idea or thought believed to be possible, and to be tested to be determined if true or not.
Only a scientific fact is true. A scientific fact can start out as a theory, but once proven to be true, it will always be called a fact.
Ancient earth scientists have tested their theory of how life formed on what they think the earth was like. They set up their self contained labs. They went through the motions. They let their experiments run. They studied the results. They even made adjustments to try to get life to happen.
But with all their experiments, all across the world, in various countries and labs, everyone of them came to the same results. Life does not spontaneously happen.
They came up with various molecules from natural chemical reactions including organic molecules. However none of these molecules could self replicate. They could not perform life generation functions. They just simply existed.
Among these organic molecules were cytosine (C), guanine (G), adenine (A), and thymine (T), all are deoxyribonucleic acids. However, what all these scientists discover was that they are stable as separate molecules. They sill not bond together with each other naturally. They have to be physically put together. You may wonder why this is important. The reason this is important is because these four molecules are the four components of what is commonly known as DNA double helix. DNA comes in two form, the four separate molecules mentioned above, and the the genetic structure sessional to ALL life.
So why does DNA form the double helix structure? It does not. It is put together by intercellular life generating function, i. e. the operations that go on inside a living cell.
In order for DNA to form into the double helix form, God had to put it together. Therefore, DNA as we know it is proof that God exist.
Further, in the science of biology, a natural function of living organisms is a form of security; a guarantee to prevent genetic abnormalities. Scientists have not fully understood how it works. What they have determined is that within living things, both animals and plant, the mother’s body is capable of detecting whither the newly formed offspring has the correct number of chromosomes. The importance of this lies with genetic capability.
For humans, we are made up of 46 chromosomes; 23 from each parent. If the newly formed offspring has more or less than 46 chromosomes, the mother’s body automatically aborts the fetus. The mother will never know she was pregnant. The same goes for other complex forms of life.
For those who think we are descendants of monkeys, keep in mind they are made of 48 chromosomes. Their bodies work the same way. If they conceive a fetus with less than 48 chromosomes, the fetus will be automatically aborted. By Darwin’s theory, humans could not come into existence. However, if we go by Darwin’s theory, taking into account chromosomes, monkeys had to be born from humans. Therefore, monkeys are a higher form of life than humans. So the same is true for all forms of life that have more chromosomes than humans.
Let’s put this into further perspective, there are plants that have more chromosomes than humans and monkeys. So by the perspective of DNA analysis and Darwin’s theory, humans are quite low on the totem pole of developed lifeforms.
I can go on and on, but this is just some of the science proving God exist and Darwin is wrong.
However, God created man in His image. God cares for the birds of the air. How much more important is man to God? This was a question Jesus put fourth to the people. The Bible is clear we are more important to God. That is why Jesus came; to save us.