God gave a promise that the wicked will be gone from the land. Wait on the LORD, and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you shall see it. Psalm 37:34
But if we good people do nothing, the troubles we see today will become worse tomorrow. Then the wicked will inherit the land.
This is true. I remember the pressure from the military when I was in the service. They wanted me to forsake God. Now the news makes it look as if the military is out to persecute every Christian. The current muslim government of America is making efforts to carry out their anti-Christian and anti-Jewish agenda.
The Bible tells us that the wicked will rejoice when the church is raptured. The reason because the church is holding to God's principles. When the church is gone, the wicked will go about their wicked ways without restraint.
The rapture is coming, and from what I can see in the news, the kind of bad news out there, the rapture can easily be within our lifetime.
Now it the time to accept Jesus into your hears and life, to be saved.