Christians need to be more discerning. Yesterday movie opened that equates God with a demon. This is not for entertainment value. Movie makers know movies influence people. Those who made X-men Apocalypse are trying to push their anti-Christian, anti-Bible, and anti-God agenda.
The degradation of society happens in stages. At first people don't talk about the sinful behavior and mindset. Then it becomes tolerance. Now it is being pressed on all people. Even many Christians today are accepting of these incorrect views of God. Some churches have openly accepted homosexuality and many other sinful behaviors and mindsets. These things are wrong.
Christians need to confront these sinful things instead of supporting them. Going to see such a movie is showing support, and encouraging others to go see it further \shows your support of these wrongful views and sinful behaviors.
Read the Holy Bible and know the Bible just like the back of your hand. In this way we Christians will know God's heart and be more discerning. Then we can teach others how to be more Godly.