One commentator wen on a rampage saying it is a 'whitewash' against a black president. Well the word 'whitewash' is a racist term used by those who hate white people. Regardless of who won the presently, either Trump or Clinton, this black commentator would still be going on his verbal rampage and assault because a black person was not elected as president. Well first of all, Obama's own party did not offer another black person for the candidacy. So who was he hoping to be elected?
Looking at the list of 29 presidential candidates this year we have John Fitzgerald Johnson and Mark Pendleton as the only two black candidates.
During the campaign, Clinton called Trump supporters 'deplorable'. Now the election is over, and Trump is president, Clinton supporters are rioting, vandalizing, and causing all manner of civil unrest. So those who are good outstanding citizens are considered to be deplorable, and those who cause chaos and destruction are desirable. Clearly the Democrats don't like a safe quiet nation to live in.