If the truth is against you, then you either accept the truth or deceive yourself.
There are people who will never accept the truth regardless of what indisputable facts you present them.
If you are will in to accept the facts, then you are willing to accept the truth. But then there are some falsities people accept regardless of the facts that are presented. These tend to be more on a large scale; that of the group think. This is where the ides of the group, no matter how true or false it is, will ignore the individual and in some cases insist the truth is wrong.
Stand strong in the truth, and if the fact are against your ideas, then consider you may just be wrong. It is good to admit you are wrong. In science, we are wrong all the time. We come up with a theory and test it. If our theory is proven wrong, we admit it. There is nothing wrong with admitting you are wrong.
Don't abandon truth. Stand firm.