Yes you've read that correctly. New York school system is now planning to start the new school year advocating racism. They intend to teach them to hate white people.
But why would they want to do this? It is beyond me why they would want to teach hate.
The history of this country has had many great attributes. But the public schools, since 1962, have been moving toward teaching a revisionist history; one where the scattering of bad events are highlighted.
During the time of serration in the schools, up until the 1960's, black schools scored just as high and higher than white schools. With he advent of welfare and the removal of the Bible from the schools, American schools have been increasingly scoring lower every year since. It had gotten so bad that in my last year of high school, the teachers did not teach. The principle said the government told them they get paid for our attendance, not to educate. All I had to do was show up so they could say I was there and get paid. Then they would give me the high school diploma at the end of the school year.
I went into the military not knowing what the Constitution of the United Sates is. It was only after the military, when I was taking a law class in graduate school did I learn about the Constitution and what is in it.
I remember my older brother telling me about the stuff that is in the Constitution. But by the time I went thru that same high school three years latter, they were not teaching the Constitution.
We need to turn this country back to God as it was from the beginning.
Now the New York schools are targeting black children. It is time to stop the public schools.
If you are concerned about your children, here is a movie made by black people you should find very revealing: