Monday, May 10, 2021
New drug or vaccine?
There is much debate going on about the mRNA vaccines. Then we have some bad news about the Johnson&Johnson vaccine. Is any of this safe?
I remember in the military, before being sent to the new duty station overseas, I had to get a series of vaccines. That was done in the morning before breakfast. After breakfast I got very sick and lost all that breakfast. I got sick because of the vaccines. By the afternoon I was felling much better. This was many years ago. Can people get sick off a vaccine? Yes, I certanily did. But now people are concerned about the latest vaccines.
The Johnson&Johnson vaccine is a traditional vaccine, just like the other ones we've all grown up with. The concern is with the 'new' technology, mRNA. I understand this technology. My suggestion for everyone is to do your own research before making a decision. You can never have too much information.
Where will this lead? With all the people getting the mRNA vaccine, in the comming years we will know more about its long term effects and potential for use in future virouses.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Do you want your daughter to be alone with a boy?
Do you have children? Do you have a daughter? Would you want your daughter to be in the bathroom with a boy? How about in the locker room? No more women's rights. No more girl only sports.
Well this is what's at stake with house bill HR1. This bill in Washington D.C. is their highest priority. In this bill boys can go into a girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms with girls. We've already seen this as a policy for Target. Despite sexual assaults in Targets across the country, Target still thinks this is a good thing. Really? Do you think your daughter, or yourself, being raped in the bathroom is a good thing? Target and everyone who supports HR1 think so.
THR1 will allow boys to compete in girls’ sports, take away scholarships, and so much more. I've competed in sports. I've won some first places, and other times someone else did. This just made me work harder to better myself so I could win the next time. But never did I think of competing against girls just so I could win. HR1 will allow boys who aren't the best to give up improving and just compete against girls for an easy win.
But the insanity doesn't stop there. Another bill, incorrectly labeled For the People Act, in short takes away election rights and gives it to the politicians in Washington D.C. This is anti-Constitutional and it is full of contradictions. Some things in this would allow children to vote. You have a new born baby. He can't hold a pen, but he can vote and some politician will cast a vote for your baby. There will be no voter verification. Anyone can cast a vote even if they are not a citizen including if they live in another country. Someone on vacation from another country can vote. Ballot harvesting will be mandated. This means someone will come get your ballot from you. They can do whatever they want with it.
But the insanity doesn't stop with Washington D.C.
In Colorado they are working on passing a bill that would not allow farmers to work their farms. Just yesterday, I was at a restaurant and they were very concerned. The owner told me they were not able to get a full stock of food supplies. They could not offer a full menu because the cold temperatures in Texas. You may not think there will be food shortages, but with bad legislation there will be.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
In the military now
Serving in the military is something people do to serve their country. For all the reasons someone would want to serve in the military, the most common reason is love of country.
My family has a long line of military service, dating all the way back to the founding of the country. I even served in the military. But my service was ended because of politics.
One thing that should never be in the military is politics. But for the last 30 years politics have been essentially destroying the military. Now we can see with the hostile takeover of America, turning the capital into a militarized zone, even that was politics. Those military were not full service, and they had to be vetted. When they were vetted, what they were looking for were people who only voted and supported the new Nazi regime.
Do you think this is going to end there? No it will not. Next they will be dismissing military personnel all based on their political views. But that will not be the end. Anyone looking to go into the military will have to pass this political view test as well. This will just further cement the new anti-American regime's power.
Just look at house bill HR1, it takes over the election system and gets rid of every citizen's voting rights. They will be able to control the election any way they want. If you think this fixes the problems we've seen, think again. Get a copy of it, read it, and tell them NO.
Don't believe me. Just watch. It is coming.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
How's that Global Warming?
Over the weekend, we experienced a progressive winter. Being North America, having cold weather is expected. This cold weather did go all the way south. In Texas, their 'green energy' stopped working, and in order to get it working, they had to use stuff made from fossil fuels. Puppet-Fuhrer Joe Biden did promise a 'dark winter' for America. Texas is certainly getting a taste of that dark winter.
But on the other hand all the climate czars. How's that global warming going for you?
Puppet-Furher decided to start his regime with increasing the unemployment. The expectation is that they go get jobs in solar. Well all that solar stuff is made in China. Do you really expect the unemployed Americans to move to China and get jobs there? They have their own unemployed. I'm certain China is not going to welcome more unemployed to their country.
We are already seeing the beginnings of the third economic great depression starting.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Coming Next #3
With their planned concentration camps, designed to re-educate people, you can be sure to hear terms like ‘it’s for your own good’ and ‘best for the country’. Additional to that, children will be moved into government housing to ‘better educate them’ as their parents will be re-educated. Public schools will not open as normal again. As you can see, for example in Chicago, the teacher’s union demands things on their terms. None of these terms benefit children. But this is what Adolf Hitler did in the 1930’s.
Then it was the Hitler youth. They would be go to these camps and be educated in the ideology of the Nazi Party. The German government after a number of years tried to put a stop to it. Later Hitler was able to expand his program to include more German youth. Is it any wonder there were so many willing followers of Hitler in 1940 and onward?
This is one of the core principles of changing a country. Already many if not all schools lock up their doors to keep parents out. Children are told not to share what they are learning with their parents. Online learning is insisting that parents not be in the room with their children. Kindergarten is not teaching sex education, and it is not real sex education. They are teaching these small children boys are supposed to be with boys and girls are supposed to be with girls in sexual relationships. Additionally they are being taught that boys and girls having sex is a bad thing.
But parents should get involved in their children’s education. Parents should look at the lockdowns as a positive thing. What I mean is they should use every second of the lockdown to be involved with their children and certainly in what the schools are teaching.
If not, we will lose our children.
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Coming Next #2
As we've seen over the last two weeks. China is taking action against neighboring nations. An invasion force is making its way north through Mexico. None of them have been cleared of infectious diseases. Many are already invading America. The Puppet Fuhrer Joe Biden just says 'stop it'. While he has dictated 50 executive orders, maybe more at this point, with Congress unable to work together. Germany continues to work for the German people. With many wars and potential wars going on in all parts of the world, it is easy to see how the end times are to be turbulent times.
In America, there is a growing divide being worsened by the Biden Regime. The China-American media continues to push fourth their agenda for a Nazi-Communist dictatorship.
While all this is going on, the world banks are implementing their no cash system. With no cash, control of people's money will be in the hands of the world banking system. In a book I published in 2012, I speculated that electronic money would be the way of a future one world government. The advanced computer technology and inter-connected systems, i.e. internet, would be used to take away and control how people live. Part of this would require a digital implanted chip. With such a chip, the government could have all a person's information on it. There would be no need of I.D. cards, passports, credit cards/bank cards, anti-theft tags at retail stores, and people would be tracked all over the world. This would also take away identity theft. All anyone would have to do is scan the implanted chip with a scanner connected to the internet and all their information would be retrieved. Retail stores could set up their door scanners to the transaction processing systems so as when someone walks through with merchandise, their bank accounts would be charged for the merchandise they have with them. With such a scanner connected to a PC, people could shop at home and just scan their chip to complete the purchase.
We can already see this technology being used in various forms over the last 10 years. Some banks have a RFID in their bank cards. This allows someone to just wave the card over the credit card reader and the transaction is completed. In 2015, a microchip was introduced in credit cards. This quickly became the standard just over a year later. Several companies have developed a subdermal microchip implant for various uses. One of these uses includes security clearance into different parts of the company buildings.
Make no mistake, these things are going on regardless if you like it or not. But there is hope. Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one come to God except through Jesus.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Coming Next #1
With all the events going on int he world, there is a growing concernas to what is coming next. As we've seen in America, the Constitution was thrown out for the convience of some and then later claimed to be adhearing to the Constitution.
We also see a growing number of radical fascist groups in America. These groups have been using any event to riot, loot, and burn in various places in America. But how is it these groups were started in the first place? To answer this question we just need to look back to the end of World War 2.
The aftermath, there were many Nazis who were unaccounted for. Many were believed to have fled to America where they changed their names and began influencing some of the youth at that time. They did not have to influence all of the youth then, just a few. When I was in China, they tought me about Communisum. One aspect they taught was in order to change a country from the inside, you only need to teach the children and they will carry on your work. By the 1960s, we see a great breaking away from the American ideals with constant uprisings against the American government.
By the 1980s, these youths were now teaching in schools. But there was still a gonflict between what they were teaching and the real world. USSR and the Berlin wall, along with many who lived thru Nazi Germany were still around. But the end of the 1980s, the Berlin wall was gone, Soviet Russia had disolved, and there was this new plan called the 10% solution.
This new plan involved people of influence is key positions in public schools, and other government positions in a few select states. The west coast states were part of the plan. Now we see a breaking away from family, learning of real American history, destruction and defamation of American heros, disrespect of public officers and governing laws.
Now we hear of arresting people who did not vote a certain way and re-educating them. Those who are to be arrested constituate more than 3/4 of the country. There simply is not enough prisions for such an arrested population. The only way this could ever work is to have massive conecntration camps, just like the Nazis. Part of this 're-education' plan is to 'get rid of their archaic way of thinking.' This 'archaric way of thinking' being refered to is the Holy Bible. They are already burning bown America, are we to expect them to start burning Holy Bibles too? But then why stop there? Why not burn any other books they don't like? This is also something the Nazis did.
Don't just take everything at face value. Look deeper.
With Joe Biden being controled by Russia and China, we can expect America will abandon Israel. With Israel in relative peace with their immeate neighbor countries, Russa and Iran are looking to Israel as their next conquest.
We can see this prophecy spelled out in Ezekiel 38 & 39.
If this prophecy happens in the next few years, will I be surprised? No, ofcourse not. I expect it to happen. We have seen many prophecies be fulfilled in the last 120 years. I expect to see more prophecies being fulfilled in the comming years.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
America is dead!
The United States of America was a constitutional republic. We followed ALL the Constitution. But as we have seen over the last few months, anti-Americans in various positions in government, including the courts, have been dismissing the Constitution whenever it suited their anti-American agenda. Now they say they are following the Consitiution. No! It is either follow it all of not-at-all. I just heard on the radio that Nazi Joe Biden and Communist Harris were certified. With 86% of Americans voting for President Trump in 2020, ONLY President Trump won the 2020 presidential election.
This new nail in America's coffin just further reminds me of Hitler and the Nazi's stealing the German election in the 1930's. Looking at what the Democrats want to do to this country, it is clear they are the new Nazi's. During their national convention they said they have to get rid of our 'archaic way of thinking' (the Holy Bible). This means having book burnings, just like the Nazi's. But why stop there? You can be certain they will also burn any other books they deem dangerous to their agenda.
Another report talked about how they want to arrest everyone who voted for President Trump and 're-educate them'. Even in the presidential debates, Biden said he knows everyone who voted for President Trump. This sounded like a threat to me. With 86% of America having voted for President Trump, there are not enough prisons to hold everyone. The only way this can work is concentration camp, just like the Nazi's did to their political rivals before they turned their attention to the Jews.
Of course we cannot forget about the massive stealing of the 2020 election. In many places more people voted than there are people who live there. Even Pennsylvania did an audit and found over 200,000 ballots were counted then there were voters in the entire state.
If the Nazis move into the Whitehouse will be the last nail in America's coffin, and then this will be a lawless land. A free for all.
But let’s look at it from the Bible. I think the next major event we will see if the Russian collation mount up an all-out attack on Israel and be wiped out by God.
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