Thursday, May 29, 2014

As I watched the broadcast Sunday, I can relate to the subject. It referred to speaking encouraging words to your spouse and children. I can relate. In my relationship that lasted three years there was very little encouraging words. It was more of a tug or war than a loving relationship. it had reached a point where I said enough and told her to leave.

Words convey so much and have a lasting impact. Fathers give identity to their children. If you look at fatherless children and adults, you can see how their lives are less than ideal. When it comes to raising children remember you reap what you sow. Children are going to run the world while you are still here. What you instill in them today you will reap the results later in life. Invest before it's too late.

Invest in your marriage, your children, your friends, and those you have authority over. Someday we all have to give an account of our lives to God.

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