Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I was listing to a sermon just now. I have heard him before. I have to say not much has changed. This preacher was reading verse by verse. Nothing wrong with that. However, often he would comment on a verse and say "I don't know." One time he said someone else may know better.

If you don't know something and you are in a position of teaching, ministers and preachers are in such a position, you need to step aside and let someone who knows the subject teach. Then you need to learn and study in order to be able to teach what it is you need to teach.

This preacher, saying I don't know, has made me want to go somewhere else. As for the subject he was teaching, I do know better. And some of the stuff this preacher was saying is wrong. I wonder how God will judge him for preaching incorrectly.

Know your subject before you teach. Ask God for guidance and if you should truly be a minister of God's word.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The more I study God's word, and evaluate the events going on in the world, the more I can see how things are coming together.

Today I was studying the Antichrist. The first thing you should know is that the Antichrist will not be revealed until after the rapture of Christians. So if you know who the Antichrist is, then you have been left behind.

The time the Antichrist comes to power is during a time of great chaos. He will make a treaty with the Muslims and Israel. The beginning of his rule will be a time of peace. In order for the Antichrist to come to power, Christians have to be taken from this world and the the world has to be in great chaos.

This sounds like another believed persona, the Mahdi. According to Muslim beliefs, the Mahdi will come to rule the world in a time of world chaos to bring peace and deal with Israel. The reason Christians are being persecuted so fervently is because it works to Muslim advantage. by hastening the return of the Mahdi.

Part of Muslim belief is to kill everyone who does not convert to Islam. The Antichrist will persecute and destroy Christians and Jews. Part of the Antichrist's plans is to convert the world to his worship and kill everyone who refuses to convert.

The more I study about the Antichrist, the more it correlates with Muslim beliefs and what they are doing today.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Is it Biblical? That is what we need to ask ourselves these days. At work there was a commercial being played on a repeated loop with other commercials. In this one commercial showed an active x-ray screen with two skeletons making out. Then the two skeletons walk out to the side revealing two women. (Promoting homosexuality.) Next it shows two more skeletons dancing then they too walk out revealing a Hispanic man and black woman. (Promoting race mixing.) Then two more skeletons playing before walking out revealing two children. (Promoting friendship.)

The commercial also has a crowd of people watching this and cheering after the reveal. The lack woman narrates talking about how everyone is the same and something about love.

If you look at this from a Biblical perspective you will know this commercial is bad.

In Leviticus 20:13 "'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."'

Homosexuality is an offense to God and against the natural order.

In Deuteronomy 7:3 You must not intermarry with them. Do not let your daughters and sons marry their sons and daughters.

God made the different races and separated them by placing them in the far corners of the Earth. Clearly it is not God's intention for different races to intermarry with each other.

However, the last part of the commercial shows friendship. Throughout the bible you will find many different aspects of people interacting with each other and forming friendships. Friendship is acceptable.

We Christians are being persecuted in almost every country. Even in America, Christians are being persecuted.

Stand up for God ordained values.