Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I was listing to a sermon just now. I have heard him before. I have to say not much has changed. This preacher was reading verse by verse. Nothing wrong with that. However, often he would comment on a verse and say "I don't know." One time he said someone else may know better.

If you don't know something and you are in a position of teaching, ministers and preachers are in such a position, you need to step aside and let someone who knows the subject teach. Then you need to learn and study in order to be able to teach what it is you need to teach.

This preacher, saying I don't know, has made me want to go somewhere else. As for the subject he was teaching, I do know better. And some of the stuff this preacher was saying is wrong. I wonder how God will judge him for preaching incorrectly.

Know your subject before you teach. Ask God for guidance and if you should truly be a minister of God's word.

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