Sunday, September 27, 2015

The once productive America is being burdened by unproductive welfare states. Welfare in turn infects the culture by encouraging an attitude of dependency. Being dependent is wholly contrary to the American spirit.

In high school, two female classmates met a woman who told them about a scam. The goes like this: She makes herself available to men and encourages them to send here money with the promise of meeting them. They send the money, but she never meets the men. She would try to get more money out of them, but always come up with some excuse as to why she is unable to travel. She never worked. She was never productive to society, and had children who learned the same laziness. In turn these children grow up becoming dependent on welfare or conducting the same scam.

all across America, every neighborhood where people are dependent on welfare have the highest crime rates, and have the most unmaintained buildings (both residential and commercial).

Welfare is a drain on all of society. People who get free money become complacent. They loose their spirit of self worth.

Welfare should never be.

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