Sunday, December 27, 2015

Muslim terrorism: it is real. terrorism is normally thought of as physical violence, but they employ other methods. Internet is just one tool they use. Today I received a new threat against my life for a Muslim simply because I am a Christian.

Being a Christian means following the teachings of Jesus and employing them in my life. Jesus commanded us to 'love one another.'

The threat today is: Seriously people like you deserve to die , you are bringing terrorism to yourself due to the anger that you have against other religions

Simply because I am a Christian. According the the Muslim Qu'ran, it ia good to kill Christians and Jew, and lie. So when someone argues with you about the Qu'ran, ask yourself if you know what they are saying is true or a lie. If they a re a Muslim, then you can be certain they are lying to you.

God command us to tell the truth, and Jesus further supported such commands. So a Christian is not allowed to lie.

Who then would you believe?

I believe in Jesus! Jesus is Lord!

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