Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Update and upgrade; don't always mean better.

Apple continues to make changes to iOS and insist it is better. Well it is not. With their latest iOS, my once working iPhone is now barely working. Here are just some of the problems I've encountered and there is bound to be more:

I have no control over the contacts. It randomly adds and removes contacts on its own, including saying I’m not me. After getting help from Apple support, all these contacts are now gone, however, I cannot add any contact information. I tried entering legitimate contact information on my iPhone, but it does not show on the phone’s contact file.
I cannot get my phone to turn on. I press the on button then slide to open. What comes up is an edit circle, sometimes stocks, amazon, and Facebook apps. This is also available by swiping down to get the same menu. So there is redundancy.
The touch screen does not seem to want to respond. It takes several tries selecting something to get it to open, in the meantime, other apps open in response to my attempts to open an app.
The contacts will not update to the iMac, nor do the contacts update to the iPhone.
Calendar does not sync. Attempting to sync causes every event to be double listed. Alerts are not 100% working, forcing me to just stop using calendar all together.
It does not hold a charge for long. After fully charged, I set the phone down before going to bed, the next morning it is dead. Another day it went down to 41%.
Music pays on its own.
I could not turn off camera.

As You can see this does not make for a better phone. My phone worked perfectly when I first bought it. Now I really have just a phone and messages, not much else, and certainly not what I was looking for when I decided to buy the iPhone.

Speaking on upgrades. My bank decided to cancel my check card. They did not tell me, I just had to find out when getting milk. I called the bank and they insist there is nothing they can do. Monday I went to the bank and demanded they reactivate my check card. They refused, and insisted I need to get one of the new fancy tracking chip cards. One representative said it is a government mandate.

Well I'll tell you, I can't get that thing to work. So now I'm having to go back to all cash, and where I am that is not safe. This also means getting gas for the car is going to take much longer, as it involves having to go inside and work out a deal to allow me to get gas. Including having to return inside to get any change, and there will be change since I have no way of determining the exact amount it will cost to fill up the tank.

I have been looking online about those cards. From what I can find out, and I think most of it is written by the banks, there are good and bad to them. The Internet postings say this is more security, however, it will cost businesses more money to comply and every transaction will take twice as long as before. Some postings indicated this is not pessary since credit card payment apps are far more secure than the tracking chips.

I for one don't feel like having my location GPSed anytime.

Monday, November 7, 2016

I've heard many things said this election cycle. Eight years ago I said it would be bad if the Muslim Obama were to become president. During his time as president, America has shrunk away from being a world power, turned against Israel, and persecuted American Christians. He has also pushed for the rise of deplorable groups to control and dictate the lives of private citizens.

I've heard people say they are just voting on the party line regardless of who is on the ballot. This is stupid. People like this are not researching the candidates and issues, and this makes for a disaster to come.

Here is my take on the possible outcome of the presidential election.

If Hillary Clinton were to win, Americans will be further marginalized. Foreign powers will gain increasing control of America. Eventually America will cease to exist as we have known it to be.

If Donald Trump wins, he will do what he can to bring America back to independence. Following the Great Depression of the 20th century, the president implemented programs aimed to bring jobs to Americans, and to rebuild the economy. The 1930s saw a rebound in the country and lead to America on the road to a world power in World War 2 and beyond.

One issue in this election had been the immigrants. Many immigrants come here claiming they want to a better life. Some comfort to American culture and become part of America. Others hold onto the country they came from and try to convert America to their home country. These second group of immigrants clearly think their home country is better than America. Therefore they should return to their great country instead of trying to convert America to their home country.

I don't mind the immigrants, but when I am dismissed in favor of a foreigner, such is the case years ago when one injured me to take my job and latter quit, I am very unhappy.

We should vote according to the values America was founded on, and also those priorities from the 1930s leading to America becoming a world power.

Despite who wins the presidency in 2016, America will not be the world power it was last century. It will take a lot of hard work to bring America back from the brink.