Monday, November 7, 2016

I've heard many things said this election cycle. Eight years ago I said it would be bad if the Muslim Obama were to become president. During his time as president, America has shrunk away from being a world power, turned against Israel, and persecuted American Christians. He has also pushed for the rise of deplorable groups to control and dictate the lives of private citizens.

I've heard people say they are just voting on the party line regardless of who is on the ballot. This is stupid. People like this are not researching the candidates and issues, and this makes for a disaster to come.

Here is my take on the possible outcome of the presidential election.

If Hillary Clinton were to win, Americans will be further marginalized. Foreign powers will gain increasing control of America. Eventually America will cease to exist as we have known it to be.

If Donald Trump wins, he will do what he can to bring America back to independence. Following the Great Depression of the 20th century, the president implemented programs aimed to bring jobs to Americans, and to rebuild the economy. The 1930s saw a rebound in the country and lead to America on the road to a world power in World War 2 and beyond.

One issue in this election had been the immigrants. Many immigrants come here claiming they want to a better life. Some comfort to American culture and become part of America. Others hold onto the country they came from and try to convert America to their home country. These second group of immigrants clearly think their home country is better than America. Therefore they should return to their great country instead of trying to convert America to their home country.

I don't mind the immigrants, but when I am dismissed in favor of a foreigner, such is the case years ago when one injured me to take my job and latter quit, I am very unhappy.

We should vote according to the values America was founded on, and also those priorities from the 1930s leading to America becoming a world power.

Despite who wins the presidency in 2016, America will not be the world power it was last century. It will take a lot of hard work to bring America back from the brink.

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