Saturday, February 18, 2017

In recent months, banks have been getting rid of the well established and working bank cards. I remember in 2006 when I tried to order new checks and my bank informed me they are getting rid of checks. So this was when I got my first check card. My last check card worked fine until January 18.

The card worked just fine the day before. That morning the card was declined. I knew this was wrong and it was still declined. I went over to the bank, and according to the bank's ATM I had no money in my account. But checking my balance online and over the phone, I have plenty of money. The operator at the bank told me they are getting rid go all the cards in the system and turned off my check card.

I went to the bank and asked them to fix my card. They said it is government regulation to turn off all the cards.

In the last three weeks, I have noticed more customers paying with cash. Like me, their banks have also turned off their check cards.

With the banking system changing, business need to keep up. I had to have my car worked on, and while the car was in the shop, the banking system changed. When I went to pay for the services, they did no want to accept my check due to their company policy. Most to f the time the bank is closed when I am off work. Ito took two weeks until I had a day off when the bank is open.

I did get my car back, but this ordeal has left me looking for another place to take my car next time.

Where does this leave us.

As the banking system is removing the convince of check cards and ATM access, many of us have to return back to using checks and going to the bank to withdraw cash. For many of us, this will cause us to save money. For many more it will mean having to change our daily plans.

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