Monday, July 27, 2020

With all that is going on in America, now the New York school system plans to start teaching black kindergarteners  to be racist.

Yes you've read that correctly. New York school system is now planning to start the new school year advocating racism. They intend to teach them to hate white people.

But why would they want to do this? It is beyond me why they would want to teach hate.

The history of this country has had many great attributes. But the public schools, since 1962, have been moving toward teaching a revisionist history; one where the scattering of bad events are highlighted.

During the time of serration in the schools, up until the 1960's, black schools scored just as high and higher than white schools. With he advent of welfare and the removal of the Bible from the schools, American schools have been increasingly scoring lower every year since. It had gotten so bad that in my last year of high school, the teachers did not teach. The principle said the government told them they get paid for our attendance, not to educate. All I had to do was show up so they could say I was there and get paid. Then they would give me the high school diploma at the end of the school year.

I went into the military not knowing what the Constitution of the United Sates is. It was only after the military, when I was taking a law class in graduate school did I learn about the Constitution and what is in it.

I remember my older brother telling me about the stuff that is in the Constitution. But by the time I went thru that same high school three years latter, they were not teaching the Constitution.

We need to turn this country back to God as it was from the beginning.

Now the New York schools are targeting black children. It is time to stop the public schools.

If you are concerned about your children, here is a movie made by black people you should find very revealing:

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The reds are coming. This was a fear during the '50's and 60's. But the communists are here.

Joseph Stalin said "We don't need religion." This is a sentiment of many Americans today. Clearly the reds were able to teach their communist ideals to many American students during the '50s and 60's. Now those ideals are being ingrained in American schools everywhere. Colleges are at the forefront of this move to a Soviet America.

This week the news has been reporting that California has banned all religious practices. Yes this is true. If you read the order you will find that it extends beyond just singing. It does include 'religious services' as part of the order.

Clearly California is being run by a Communist government. They may not call themselves Communist, but their actions clearly show them to be Communist.

The Bible says to sing to the Lord. I will sing to the Lord no matter what anyone says.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Christians should have nothing to do with any organization that goes against biblical values. In recent months there has been a lot of violence, destroying of America, and the changing of American history.

Jesus commanded us to love one another. There is no room for hate. If we associate or even support a hate organization, then we are just spreading that hate.

God designed the family. God created marriage and the family, and we have no right to change it. Likewise we are to have nothing with any organization that looks to take apart the family.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Wake up!

This driver fell asleep blocking the only way out of the parking lot. (He was in a Nissan SUV.) I hit my horn to wake them up. However, this driver kept falling asleep. What happen after is why some people should not drive.

After out on the road they tried to run me off the road. I hit the gas. But then they continued to follow me. At the end I got into more traffic. They could not get behind me, so they pulled along side me. The passenger side window open.I thought she was going to shoot at me. Lucky the other lanes of traffic were clear. I hit the gas and left them crazies trapped in the left turn lane.

You just can't outdrive a street racer.

Tried to upload the video, but it won't.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

During the shutdown, many business have been taking this as an opportunity to get remodels or other work done. Employers are making plans for the next stage in their businesses. I know it may seem like most businesses have closed, but it is what you don't see going on behind those closed doors that will make a difference.

Economically things are still moving. People are working, money is changing hands, and new businesses are in the works. You may be wondering if things will ever get back to the way things were.

The answer is no. Businesses are finding new ways to make money. They will not just drop those new  services just because the country has re-opened for business. When you get back out into the world, you may see a new store you had not seen before. You may see new businesses being built in the coming months. Will all this be because of the shutdown? Some will but some were in the works before the shutdown.

The post-Chinese virus world will hold new opportunities and and many other changes. However, the core values that have got us here should not be abandoned.
Went by the place I worked yesterday.

It has been almost two months since the Chinese virus shut down. It would have been seven years working for this company last month if it weren't for the shutdown. This has been the longest continuous employment I've had.

On the radio, I've heard of opening up but with some restrictions. What I have heard about places with high occupancy can open as long as they can guarantee customers will be keeping their space. Tomorrow is the re-open day, and I think places like stadiums and theaters will not open. Those in charge of such places may decide trying to guarantee people will keep their space would be too complicated.

Many people have been speculating how this will play in the end times.

A hundred years ago during the flu epidemic people most certainly were wondering the same thing.

We are going to experience many major things before the tribulation period. What we are going thru now is just a small taste of those coming times. But also this is an answer to many people's prayer.

God is working many good things out of this. Many people can say how this has worked out for their benefit. Many families are getting to know one another again, also looking at and reevaluating finances.

After WWII, people came home and went to work. They began to build the nation. They took up the same drive people had after the civil war. What made America so 'great' was people going to work with a real drive and determination to accomplish something. In recent decades, that has been lost. But if people return to work with this same drive and determination, then the economy will have a swift recovery.

I know many young people think they will save their best or their dream job, but if you don't develop a good work habit now, you will not put your best into your dream job if you ever get such a job.

Recovery will not depend on one thing, but on everyone.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Bad news sells. That is still the theme of reporters.

I just watched the news conference with the president and his staff. There are some reporters there that just wanted to keep asking the same question over and over again. They wanted to know why the president recommends using drugs to treat this new virus.

Well this virus has been going around for four months. People have been treated in other countries with great results. Just because America has not done their own testing does not negate the testing other countries have done. These recommended drugs don't kill people. So what would be the problem?

When this first came out and was spreading in my area, very little was known about it. The cases resembled cold and flu and some of those people treated it like a cold or flu. In my job, I am at high risk of exposure. I still am. So what I started doing was taking the DayQuil Severe cold & flu. I even bought more to replace the one I used up. It did not kill me. I still work with being at high risk of exposure, and I have not had any symptoms.

So what is the issue of taking something that will save your life? I would like to hear those reporters answer that!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Worried about the economy? Don't be. The economy will be fine. The economy will recover quickly. But for many, their own personal money situation is of big concern. Instead of looking at how grim the future may be, look at what you want to change.

Did you like the job you were in? Did you want to do something else? Was your life going in the direction you wanted?

Now is a great time to look at finding a new job. When your employer, may or may not, call you back to work, wouldn't it be great to say you will not be returning? Or would you want to negotiate a better position in the company?

Do you have college or online learning going on? Now would be a good time to make the most of improvements to your resume and skill sets. Job fairs are not what they used to be. I remember when you would go an bring a stack of resumes to hand out to the various employers. But slowly, and more now than ever, employers at the job fairs would hand you a card and tell you to go to their website to apply for a job. They stopped taking resumes. This is why I don't bring resumes to job fairs. If an employer is hiring, then it is up to you to go to their website and apply.

Most open positions for a company are not even made public. Just look for the company on the internet and when you find it, find the career link.

Another benefit of having all this time is to look at your finances. Look at how they are structured. See where your savings are at. Consider investments now. Now is a great time to buy stocks. They are lower in price, and may get lower. But when the economy gets going again, those stocks will eventually rise to, near, or even past their previous high. 

Things are not as bleak as the news media make it seam. Remember the news media need to make this sound as bad as possible. They have a saying 'if it bleeds it leads.' In other words 'bad news sells.' This is how they make their ratings and their money.

Most people are recovering. The death rate is lower than that of the flu. There are treatment drugs being used very effectively showing a five day recovery. Those who have already overcome the infection are not going to get infected again. They can certainly go out.

Friday, March 20, 2020

In this new time, many of us find ourselves at home when we would normally be out at work or school. Don't look at this as a bad thing. Look at this as an opportunity. As a family, most of us, if not all of us, have lost touch.
This is a time we can use to reconnect with our families. A time to reflect on who we are as a family. How many of us have wanted to spend more time with our parents, our children, or even grandparents?

We were created to have relations with one another. our identities start with family. In the family, we learn how socialize. In our modern world, many have just lost touch. We live in the same house, but we don't know the other people who live with us.

Take this time to get to know one another. Learn to appreciate those in our lives.

God bless.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It's election year. This time we are seeing more anti-America democrats trying for office.

I tell you this, as a veteran I am warn to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States from ALL enemies both foreign and domestic.

I've seen these 'children' trying tot he Democratic nomination. I tell you each and everyone of them want to burn the Constitution and set up their own dictator type of government.

Make no mistake about it, these Democrats are trying to turn America into the next Soviet Union. We know that it did not work in Russia, so why would anyone want to try that distaster in America?

It's simple. They want to enslave Americans.

I fought for this country, and it will defend it against these people. They are the enemy.