Sunday, March 29, 2020

Worried about the economy? Don't be. The economy will be fine. The economy will recover quickly. But for many, their own personal money situation is of big concern. Instead of looking at how grim the future may be, look at what you want to change.

Did you like the job you were in? Did you want to do something else? Was your life going in the direction you wanted?

Now is a great time to look at finding a new job. When your employer, may or may not, call you back to work, wouldn't it be great to say you will not be returning? Or would you want to negotiate a better position in the company?

Do you have college or online learning going on? Now would be a good time to make the most of improvements to your resume and skill sets. Job fairs are not what they used to be. I remember when you would go an bring a stack of resumes to hand out to the various employers. But slowly, and more now than ever, employers at the job fairs would hand you a card and tell you to go to their website to apply for a job. They stopped taking resumes. This is why I don't bring resumes to job fairs. If an employer is hiring, then it is up to you to go to their website and apply.

Most open positions for a company are not even made public. Just look for the company on the internet and when you find it, find the career link.

Another benefit of having all this time is to look at your finances. Look at how they are structured. See where your savings are at. Consider investments now. Now is a great time to buy stocks. They are lower in price, and may get lower. But when the economy gets going again, those stocks will eventually rise to, near, or even past their previous high. 

Things are not as bleak as the news media make it seam. Remember the news media need to make this sound as bad as possible. They have a saying 'if it bleeds it leads.' In other words 'bad news sells.' This is how they make their ratings and their money.

Most people are recovering. The death rate is lower than that of the flu. There are treatment drugs being used very effectively showing a five day recovery. Those who have already overcome the infection are not going to get infected again. They can certainly go out.

Friday, March 20, 2020

In this new time, many of us find ourselves at home when we would normally be out at work or school. Don't look at this as a bad thing. Look at this as an opportunity. As a family, most of us, if not all of us, have lost touch.
This is a time we can use to reconnect with our families. A time to reflect on who we are as a family. How many of us have wanted to spend more time with our parents, our children, or even grandparents?

We were created to have relations with one another. our identities start with family. In the family, we learn how socialize. In our modern world, many have just lost touch. We live in the same house, but we don't know the other people who live with us.

Take this time to get to know one another. Learn to appreciate those in our lives.

God bless.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It's election year. This time we are seeing more anti-America democrats trying for office.

I tell you this, as a veteran I am warn to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States from ALL enemies both foreign and domestic.

I've seen these 'children' trying tot he Democratic nomination. I tell you each and everyone of them want to burn the Constitution and set up their own dictator type of government.

Make no mistake about it, these Democrats are trying to turn America into the next Soviet Union. We know that it did not work in Russia, so why would anyone want to try that distaster in America?

It's simple. They want to enslave Americans.

I fought for this country, and it will defend it against these people. They are the enemy.