After work, listening to the radio on my way home, the topic was about how America has been turning it's back on God. Looking at all the various ways America has been doing what Israel did that led to their downfall and being taken captive, it is understandable we are no longer a Christian nation.
The biggest example is the current Muslim president. His campaign was 'change you can count on'. Obama has made chance, however, it is not chance we can count on. If you wonder where God is in all this, God is still here.
Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
Numbers 24:9 Blessed is everyone who blesses you, And cursed is everyone who curses you.
In 2011, Obama made a declaration against Israel. Soon after God made Himself known. The first thing God did was sent an Earthquake against the nation's capital. Still Obama did not listen to God, much like Pharaoh did not listen to Moses. God then sent two hurricanes against the capital. Other states were affected. That same year New York state passed a law destroying marriage. New York state was hit hard as part of the hurricane impacts.
Event after event that year in different parts of the country showed that God is not pleased with America. God called Israel to repent and turn from their wicked ways. When they did not, God brought about their demise. America continues to revel in wicked ways. If America does not repent and to towards God, America too will fall.
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