Verse 8, Jesus said 'All these are the beginning of sorrows.
If you ever heard people say things will get worse, it is true. Following verse 8 Jesus talks about Christians being delivered up to tribulation, being killed, and being hated by all nations. In America we see an explosion of hatred for Christians. America, a country founded upon Christian principles now hates Christians and Christian principles.
Verse 12 talks about lawlessness will abound. We do see that with many judges dismissing the law and trampling on people's God given rights.
Reading verse 29, we should rejoice if the the sun and moon darkens. In just a few verses, Jesus says he will return for his elect.
Yes the rapture of the church is in Matthew 24.
As Christians we need to stand firm in Christ. Matthew 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
Persecution is coming our way. Stand strong in Jesus.
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