Twenty years ago, faggot PVT Derrick A Byers, faggot SPC Richard Nevell, and several of their butt-buddies picked the double lock steel door of my barrack room on the US Army base Camp Stanley, South Korea. This subsequently ended my career in the military.
It was a saturday night, I went to bed at my usual 10pm. I closed the door, of which required a key to be opened from the outside, and engage the deadbolt. Later that night, I woke to faggot PVT Derrick A Byers crawling into my bed with me, telling me how good looking I am and how much he wants to be with me. I was terrified. I told him to leave, but he refused and continued to crawl in telling me he 'knows I want this.' I noticed faggot SPC Richard Nevell was there along with several other faggots. I was under attack, so I bolted from my bed, leaving faggot PVT Derrick A Byers there and ran out of my barrack room. As I passed the digital clock it changed to 1:59 AM. The date was 14 December 1997.
I headed down stairs and immediately reported the faggot attack to the night CQ, SGT Smith, who took the report. As I was going down the stairs, I could hear the faggots rushing out of my barrack room and into their barrack rooms. I expected the faggots to be court-marshaled according to the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).
Now prior to entering military service, in high school, all of us who were looking to enter the military were required to watch several videos. One talked about how faggots in the military are bad for moral, and what the UCMJ states about faggot behavior; this also included the faggots breaking in and crawling into bed with me. However, a few years later Bill Clinton becomes president and brings his 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'.
After the attack, I could not sleep and started keeping a knife under my pillow. In fact, I have not been able to get a peaceful night's sleep since the faggots attacked me. This became a nightmare I relieve everyday. Anytime I see the military, regardless of branch of service, I am reminded of the faggot's attack. But the US Army could have been handled the situation better.
One month after the attack, to the day, those faggots were promoted. Faggot PVT Derrick A Byers became PFC, and faggot SPC Richard Nevell became SGT. They both received medals along with their promotions. This destroyed my trust in the Army. I did not feel safe after the attack, and seeing them promoted made it all worse. I spoke to my immediate boss, a SSG, to find out when they will be court-marshaled. He did not know anything about it. He did go about looking into it, but after a few months I had not heard anything. However, I was called into a private meeting with my platoon's SFC. He ordered me to stop going to church during my free time, as a condition of serving in the military, or I will not be able to advance in rank or have any change in duty station.
So the situation now allowed the faggots being able to break in and sexually violate me anytime they desired knowing they will never be stopped. Once someone knows they can get away with something, they will be more likely to do so again and again. My safety was not secured. I couldn't trust anyone, and had to watch my own back. On top of all this my career was being threatened simply because I am a Christian.
Now if you know the Constitution, you know this order is in direct violation of the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. As you know every military personnel is required to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United Stated of America. By him giving this order, he is violating his oath to defend and uphold the Constitution, including anyone who enforced and supported this order.
Here is the part of the Constitution he violated: Amendment 1, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
His order to prohibit me from going to church during my free time is not allowing me free practice of religion. But the U.S. Army stood by this order and over the next two years, he and everyone else, including the faggots, moved on to new duty stations and I was not allowed to advance. I was due to have a change of duty station in April 1998, but they demanded I give up Christianity first. I continued to attend church, and never had a change of duty station for the remaining years of my service.
My time to re-enlist cane and went. I received exit orders, then they were taken away by the new battery commander. I was expected to stop going to church. Several times NCOs came to me about this, insisting on what I must do. They wouldn't allow me to leave the military nor could I stay in as long as I remained a Christian.
There was no possibility for me to give up God and church. So I was stuck in South Korea with no career. All the time I put in was for nothing. Eventually an NCO came to me and gave me my exit orders. His final words to me were to 'hurry up and go home.' I was not going to be able to stay in and serve as long as I continued to go to church. So my career was ended by the military's hatred of Christians.
To me it is clear the faggots had taken over the military and us Christians had to go. Faggotism is disgusting. Every faggot should be dragged out to the streets, shot, and left for dead. Then the vultures can come and eat their flesh until the faggots are no more.
Since then there have been reports in the news from other military branches concerning Christians. Such as the U.S. Air Force cadet was supposed to be court marshaled for being a Christian. The U.S. Navy court marshalling a chaplain for doing his job as a Christian after 16 years of service.
Because justice was never served, I've made many massive changes in my life. Since being out of the Army, I spent a few years in China learning different styles of martial arts; self defense has become a way of life for me. I don't go to bed without constantly checking the security of my place, however, just because I go to bed does not mean I get any sleep. Sleep is something I find hard to come by. Having a pack of security dogs does come in handy. Of course I am armed to the teeth. If anyone were to break in my place for whatever reason, they will not make it out alive. The only justice is immediate justice.
South Koprea![]()
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