The Baby Boomers were raised with good solid social foundations. With the drive and determination of the Greatest Generation, coming home from wart and wanting to build and create after experiencing so much death and destruction, Baby Boomers grew up in a period that gave rise to the modern world we have now. Innovation and hard work provided for the family and built the nation. Baby Boomers carried on that when they come into the workforce. But in the later 1960's, massive social legislation with the free love and anti-war movements began the process of removing critical aspects of society.
The dates of the various generations is not certain. Different sources have different dates they cite as the defining years. Generation X or Gen X is considered to be directionless and general not satisfied with life. According to the Internet, the Harvard Center cites Gen X as 1965 - 1984.
This means the first Gen Xers grew up in the late 1960's and early 1970's. It is interesting to note that those of the first half of Gen X grew up with the foundations for working hard and innovation, just as the Baby Boomers would have learned and passed down. But with the social revelation of the late 1960's, latter Gen Xers lost out.
Noticing the contributions of Gen Xers, there is clearly a vast difference between the first and second half of Generation X. Those born before 1974 had the sound foundation set forth by the Greatest Generation and carried on by the Baby Boomers. With the Social Revolution came change, slow change, but still change. This change was not a good one.
As the first Gen Xers went to the schools of the 1960's and 1970's, the second half, let's call then Generation Y went to school during the 1980's. The changes to the school system did not fully spread until the 1980's. By then those involved in the Social Revolution were now in positions to influence the next generation. But the Generation Xers were already influenced by the Baby Boomers and Greatest Generation.
The 1980s is called the Decade of Decadence. But it is also the decade where the dreams and aspirations of children were being crushed. I grew up during the 1980s and I remember being taught by my parents to work hard, and the schools teaching the opposite. As the years progressed, it was more about tolerance and not to stand out. The schools thought that everything will be provided for you. Even my last year of High school, the principle told the entire school according to the government they were only to get paid for our attendance, not for teaching us. But the most defining of Generation Y, now meaning 'why do anything', is my graduating class. The year books for high school did not have any 'most likely to succeed' or any 'most likely' sections. The theme the graduating committee selected for our class was Hakuna Matada. This was taken from the Lion King. This was an absolute stupid theme but also fits well. Simply put, it means to do nothing and just drift through life.
Contrasting the people of Generation X and those of Generation Y, you will find many people born from 1965 - 1973 who have achieved great things for themselves and community. Those born from 1974 - 1983, have ;argyle gone unnoticed. During the 21st Century Great depression (2008-2016) even before this, Generation Y were leading the movement of adult children moving back into their parent's house with they spouses and children. Those of Generation Y were also leading the statistics of adults not getting married after high school but latter in life. Even Millennials are making a greater impact than Generation Y is. If you do the research, you will find most of the people making waves in the world are from Generation X and Millennials. Generation Y is almost nonexistence.
According to several studies, getting married in our early twenties leads to longer and stronger marriages then getting married later in our 30s and 40s. By the time we reach 30, we tend to be set in our ways and less likely to change.
Another negative contribution from Generation Y is abandoned children. In the schools I attended during the 1980s, we were taught we don't have to care for unwanted children. Although the methods thought differentiated, the idea if we did not want the baby, we would not have to care for it, clearly took hold. I watched one report in 1989, about a high school where every student had several children and none were married nor had they provided for themselves.
Millennials make up the largest generation so far and the most Godless. $0% of Millennials believe they should get a promotion at work regardless of whether they deserve it or not. This has grown out of the 1980s teaching Generation Y everything in life would be provided for you. Millennials are more prone to job changes than previous generations. Many of the lackluster work ethics and social persona of Millennials can be traced back to the Social Revaluation and it's effects on the schools of the 1980s.
Now we are looking at a new generation soon to be coming into the workforce, how will they impact the world?
The Bible has long told of these perilous times will come. Sound teaching is being ignored in favor of self-righteousness. As we look at the declining state of our society, it is not hard to imagine how many of the end times predictions will come to happen.
Jesus warned us of a camping rapture. The dark days Jesus spoke of concerning the end times are taking place. With each generation failing to raise the next generation correctly and in God's word, it seems this century is when the rapture of the church and the seven year tribulation will take place.
Be prepared, accept Jesus and you Lord and Savior or you will be left behind and suffer with the rest of the world.
Gofreasted the Greatest process ![]()
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