Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Persecution is alive and growing more intense in America. The persecution of the church in America started subtle. Over the years as more and more people became accustomed to people's sinful ways, persecution moved from the background to the forefront.

Don't be deceived, with laws being enacted to destroy marriage, lawsuits against Cristian businesses and churches, more Christians are becoming accepting of sin. Do not be silenced. We must stand against these evil acts or suffer the consequences. Don't compromise on the word of God. No not one part of the word of God should be abandoned.

The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. Revelation 3:5

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Do you follow the law or not? A friend told me what happened one saturday in June.

Saturday, the end of June 2014, my friend (let's call him Mike), was on his way to work when a cop pulled him over. The cop said he pulled Mike over because the cop thinks Mike missed his turn. Mike did not miss his turn. Mike turned onto the street he intended. Mike signaled at the proper time, moved into the turn lane correctly, stopped and waited until it was safe to turn. (picture of turn lane)

The cop looked at Mike's registration and insurance and said it was all good. Then the cop said he will be right back and Mike could be on his way if everything checks out. Having being a law abiding citizen, (statically most drivers follow traffic regulations everyday) Mike expected to be on his way. However Mike could see in the rear view mirror the cop putting on gloves. This did not look good to Mike, (as he puts it). The cop came up, asked Mike to step out of the car, and then proceeded to arrest Mike. Mike asked the cop what for, and the cop said there is a warrant out for Mike. This was news to Mike. So far Mike has never committed any crimes, and never been taken to court as a defendant in any lawsuit.

Mike was expecting to be on his way but this was not looking good. The cop said hopefully we can clear this up so Mike can be on his way, however, the cop looked at his computer and said it was all valid and Mike was going to jail. The cop told Mike that the warrant was for missing a court date in October 2013. This was the first time Mike was hearing about this. Understandabily Mike was so mad.

How can this be? Shouldn't there have been advanced notice made so Mike could prepare a defense prior to the court date?

Mike asked him and the cop said "being arrested is him serving that notice to show up in court last year". The cop said that getting arrested was their way of being officially served notice to show up in court back in October 2013. Then the cop wrote up a traffic ticket for 'driving in lanes of traffic'.

Well in any other state there is a requirement to personally serve papers, such as a summons, on a defendant in advance of any court hearing, but not in Colorado. Apparently in Colorado there is no law like that. What Colorado did was to hold the court hearing and render a warrant for Mike's arrest completely without his knowledge.

The cop also went into Mike's car and took his wallet and went through it. The cop found Mike's mint condition 1974 $2 bill he's had had for years. Many of you get change back at the store or bank where you are handed paper money that looks like it was just printed. This $2 bill was like that. They told Mike they had to tow his vehicle, but it would not be a problem for him to get it back. They did not tell Mike they were going to charge hundreds of dollars.

Advice for all you drivers out there. If you are pulled over, make sure you stop your vehicle in a public parking lot. The police will tell you you can get your vehicle back 'no problem', however, they won't tell you the problem will be you have to pay them. In Colorado Springs, as many of you may know from the news report years ago, the city has been unable to pay their electric bills, the city and county governments are poor and will try to get money from people any way they can, regardless of what you think is fair.

When Mike was released from jail they did not return the $2 bill. Mike asked them for his money back, and they stated they do not return money. This really angered Mike. After all that happened so far, just the way the courts work in Colorado, El Paso County keeping his money made Mike want to move.

Since Mike was released on bail he still does not know what this case is about. He does not even know what crime they are charging him with.  As of Thursday 3 July 2014, Mike has been notified the hearing has been moved to August 13, 2014. Mike hopes to get a public defender, but it turns out in Colorado you need to pay them a fee just to be considered, even then they don't guarantee you will be represented. Looks as if this is another effect of the poor local government situation.

7 July 2014, Mike went to the courthouse and was able to see, not get copies of the information, concerning this case. It was all on computers, and these computers are slow. Mike was allowed only a few minutes of use which limited him from finding out any pertinent information. However, he was able to find out who the judge that signed the order for the warrant is. That judge is Jayne Candea-Ramsey.

Hearing this, I am glad not to be living in Colorado Springs. I do hope Mike will be able to clear his name. What we do know is Mike is innocent and was put in jail. How many other innocent people are in jail in Colorado for lack of laws mandating advance notice being make on defendants?

Regardless where you live, this is just one reason you should be involved in your government. Your government is there to serve you. Make them accountable.

Monday, July 7, 2014

If you are looking at getting a move on in this life, look at history. Last night I went to see a new movie titled America: Imagine the world without her.

Being a businessman and having traveled some of the world, watching this movie I found in myself a renewed sense. If you are looking at getting ahead in this life, this movie will show you how many people in history have achieved such success. The movie explores how people and nations get ahead and become successful. If you have children, I assume you want them to have the best in life. Then you would want your children to see this movie. They will learn what it takes to be successful.

Friday, June 27, 2014

In this year we are facing new election campaigns. With them comes many outside parties with their points of view of either support of against different candidates. You should base your support on each candidate based on good Christian values.

Supporting a candidate one one factor or another is just stupid. Do your due diligence; research each candidate. Look at their records, listen to their speeches, hear from them. Many ungodly elected officials are in office now because people do not do proper research. Look at our economy. Until the end of 2008, we had a strong vibrant economy. Since then we have been struggling and with every new policy the current administration puts outs, we are further weakened.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Parenting is both wonderful and difficult. Many of us have seen first hand how bad children can be. But when one parent is not involved, children get worse. Today I watched as my niece made better choices of watching good quality television, however, when left to her own devices, she quickly got drawn into poor television. When I directed her to better tv programs, she watched and enjoyed.

This shows our own human nature. The junk in the world will draw us in if we are not careful. As children we are taught and trained by our parents in the 'way we should go' so when we are on our own we will not fall into the traps of this world. When children are not taught and trained by their parents, they will go their own way and fall into anything that comes their way. As parents, we need to train our children in the way they should go. If we fail to do this then our children will pay the price for our mistakes.

Proverbs 22:6 Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Believing and acting on your beliefs are important parts of faith. Jesus commends us for what seem like small acts or humble words. God transforms what we offer into hope for the world.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Research talks about how video games are counter productive to a child's development. I was reading this morning about cognitive training and brain development. It did not talk about video games, however, it did talk about different ways a parent can help their child develop different cognitive abilities.

In the different suggestions, they all used traditional games. Such as playing cards, like poker and memory; puzzles, and board games. These games develop mental processing speed, visual memory and memory strategy. It is interesting if you look at the generation that grew up in the 1940's to 1970's, and compare them to those who grew up with video games (even compare those of the video game generation who did not have a video game growing up) you will find a gap in cognitive abilities.

For example: When a father tosses the ball with his children, those children develop better hand/eye coordination and spatial awareness. Those children who only have a realistic 3D video game have a harder time catching a ball and other objects when compared to children whose father played toss the ball with them.

Now video games are not all bad. The Air Force found out, pilots were good at flying real planes but were bad at operating drones (remote controlled planes). However, those who were experienced in video games turned out to be the best people to operate their drones.

Despite the growing popularity in video games, as parents, we can not disregard the value in traditional games, and quality time playing with our children. God gave us charge over our children. Proverbs 22:6 tells parents they are to 'train up children'. Parents, we need to have a active role in the lives of our children.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

After work, listening to the radio on my way home, the topic was about how America has been turning it's back on God. Looking at all the various ways America has been doing what Israel did that led to their downfall and being taken captive, it is understandable we are no longer a Christian nation.

The biggest example is the current Muslim president. His campaign was 'change you can count on'. Obama has made chance, however, it is not chance we can count on. If you wonder where God is in all this, God is still here.

Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Numbers 24:9 Blessed is everyone who blesses you, And cursed is everyone who curses you.

In 2011, Obama made a declaration against Israel. Soon after God made Himself known. The first thing God did was sent an Earthquake against the nation's capital. Still Obama did not listen to God, much like Pharaoh did not listen to Moses.  God then sent two hurricanes against the capital. Other states were affected. That same year New York state passed a law destroying marriage. New York state was hit hard as part of the hurricane impacts.

Event after event that year in different parts of the country showed that God is not pleased with America. God called Israel to repent and turn from their wicked ways. When they did not, God brought about their demise. America continues to revel in wicked ways. If America does not repent and to towards God, America too will fall.
Heaven is worth everything you go through in this life to remain faithful to God. The book and movie Heaven Is For Real is just one of many stories around the world. Those of us who have such an experience know that no matter what you go through in this life, remaining faithful to God is worth it all. For us, no one can say nor do anything to shake our faith.

More than anything else I want you to remain faithful. Even if the whole world should betray the teaching and laws of our God, I will remain faithful.

When I was 16, I had my own experience. I still remember the experience. In the last two year of the 20th century, I experienced persecution. Despite what they did trying to 'encourage' me to give up God, my faith was strengthened.

In America today, Christian persecution is on the rise. States and the federal government are passing laws focused on suppressing or destroying Christian values. Even if you stand alone, you still need to stand for God. Christians have been rising up saying they will not stand for the persecution. Another great movie God's Not Dead, inspires us to stand for our faith. This movie is a response to many cases of persecution in American schools, colleges, and universities.

Don't let the unfaithful shake your faith. The reward of Heaven is worth everything you may go through in this life.

Friday, May 30, 2014

As part of this series regarding parents and children, I like to provide relevant research and practical advice.

As I've mentioned in previous blogs about investing in your children: brain research shows how important parental involvement is in a child's development. The quality and depth of parental input matters greatly.

Affirmative feedback and the amount of time spent in conversation with children has been shown to have a major impact on brain development.

In research by University of Chicago Psychologist Janellen Huttenlocher, comparisons between professional, working class, and welfare families, reveal their children heard 2100, 1200, and 600 words and hour respectively. Furthermore, positive feedback came an average of thirty times and hour for professionals, fifteen for working class families, and just six time and hour in welfare families.

The quality and quantity of this input in directly correlated with brain development and vocabulary in later years. Some children naturally catch up while others do not.

Investing in our families have an overall impact on everyone. When we tell our spouse encouraging words, the marriage grows strong and remains strong. When we interact with our children and remain involved in their lives regardless of age, they grow and develop in ways that contribute to better lives.

This has been understood for thousands of years. Only now is science catching up with the Bible.

Proverbs 22:6: Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

God has given us His word in the Bible. Everyday science continues to prove the Bible TRUE.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

As I watched the broadcast Sunday, I can relate to the subject. It referred to speaking encouraging words to your spouse and children. I can relate. In my relationship that lasted three years there was very little encouraging words. It was more of a tug or war than a loving relationship. it had reached a point where I said enough and told her to leave.

Words convey so much and have a lasting impact. Fathers give identity to their children. If you look at fatherless children and adults, you can see how their lives are less than ideal. When it comes to raising children remember you reap what you sow. Children are going to run the world while you are still here. What you instill in them today you will reap the results later in life. Invest before it's too late.

Invest in your marriage, your children, your friends, and those you have authority over. Someday we all have to give an account of our lives to God.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

On the radio today there was talk about two brothers who were being persecuted for being Christians in America. It was about their decision to stand with marriage and not accept defamation of marriage. Today Americans are waging war against marriage. Many want to destroy marriage by expanding the meaning of marriage. Many Christians are beginning to stand up against people who are trying to destroy marriage. However there are those who are claiming to be Christians and are supporting the destruction of marriage.

One caller said his church is accepting homosexual 'marriage'. The station made it clear that God is never wavering and His word stands strong. The caller kept trying to push his anti-marriage view.

2 Timothy 4-3-5 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Jesus stated in Luke 11:23 "Whoever is not with me is against me." John 14:15 "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."

This statement makes it clear. Those who are not with God are against God. Those who try to change God's word including the meaning of God's word is against God. Those who want to change marriage to something other than One Man and One Woman are against God. This includes those who claim to be Christians.

God is not fooled. He will judge each and everyone of us.

I sin; however, I do not try to justify my sin. I do not try to force others to participate in my sin. I ask God for forgiveness, and work on resisting temptation.

I do not accept the destruction of marriage. I know marriage is between one man and one woman for the bringing about the next generation, the rearing of children, and the establishment of social order.

We must stand for God and fight the good fight. We are either on God's side or against God. Even those who claim to be neutral are still against God. Those who say evil is good are against God. We can not stay in our houses and expect everything to be well in the world. If we stay inside we become weak. If we go outside we can get hurt, but we become strong. It is like my trees.

During the winter I keep the potted trees in the house. They continue to grow. They look good, healthy, and strong. But when I put them outside at the beginning of summer; many of their leafs shrivel and the plant begins to lean over. It looks bad, however, as the weeks go by, the plants grow new leafs and stand tall; even in the strong wind. Being protected inside makes them weak, and being outside makes them strong. Not even the strong wind can move them.

We need to get out of our comfort, and into the world where we do the work of an evangelist. Stand tall in the world for all to see in the good work of God.

Friday, April 18, 2014

It is hard to get a job. That is not in debate. A few days ago I was contacted by e-mail about a job. The e-mail talked about a telephone interview. Immediately my suspicions were raised. My reply clearly stated that I would be interested in a face to face interview. Two days ago she called wanted to set up a telephone interview. This did strengthen my suspicions. She sent me an e-mail with some link and a telephone number to call to hear a recorded message. I listened to most of the message. It talked about multilevel marketing and sales. Clearly out of my skills and interests. This just informed me she did not read my resume. So I began thinking about the coming call and how I will find out how my resume peaked her interest. Yesterday she called and it did not last for long.

She asked if I listened to the message and watched the video. Skipping to the point, I asked he how she got my name and what on my resume says I am a salesman. (By the way I am a businessman with degrees in business and accounting.) She told me my name was refereed to her as a sales professional. I asked her who came up with my name. After pressing her for a few minutes, she finally told me she had come up with my name with a search in It turns out she never read my resume, only looked at my name and contact information.

I called after this and talked to one of their reps. He told me their system generates job references based on jobs each person applies for. does not currently have any way to set specific job types. Additionally if an employer sets a general job search any name cam come up. the only way is to set your account to private. This will keep anyone from finding your information. Another issue with I have noticed: their system tends to send my resume to jobs I never apply to.

This does contradict the purpose of having a resume out there for real employers to find. I have a cover letter added to my account. Hopefully employers will READ my cover letter and resume to see the job fields I am available for. A few years ago sent my resume to a job posting I never applied to; the employer told me that I need to read the job description before applying to the job. Well for people like
Heather A. Duggan
Regional Manager, HRMC, USA
Office:  (931) 922-0767
Cell:  (931) 316-4880
they need to read the resume of the people she is getting information for. It would save everyone a lot of time to simply READ.

A resume clearly states what kind of work someone is looking for. I know this is true because my resume begins with the education I have, which is the career-fields I am interested in.

If you find yourself being asked questions that seem strange for the type of work you are looking for, as them if they had the courtesy to read your resume. Most likely they never gave you the respect, and figures you are stupid enough to go for the supposed job.

Have some boundaries in your job search. Have some questions to ask them. Certainly ask them specific questions that pertain to your career-field.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

When things change and you can not. I have had my cell  phone for over two years. The phone still works, but I have been asked why I have not responded to text messages. I have not received text messages for a while. So am I to believe it is because of my phone or the service?

I have been looking at getting a new phone for a year now. I have one in mind and with the improvements to the model, waiting this long may pay off for me. The other thing is I don't have the money to buy the phone. So I am stuck with a phone that may not work well anymore and not able to get a new one.

As I work on my retirement I am considering if I should buy this phone or just wait until my current phone just stops working.

What would you do?