Friday, October 16, 2015

American government once criticized other countries for human rights violations concerning how they treated Christians.

In such countries, Christians could not own a business, could not worship freely, were put in prison for being and standing for Biblical beliefs, and killed.

Where is America now?

Well Oregon is leading the way to remove Christians from owning and operating a business. The famous case of the bakery in Portland shows us that you can not be a Christian and own and operate a business. Where is the American government's outcry of human rights violations? This kind of actions by courts across America is becoming commonplace.

Certainly looking like you cannot be a Christian and own a business in America.

In one of his national address, President Obama told Christian churches they need to change the way they worship. Still the government does not cry out for human rights violations.

More recently a Kentucky clerk is jailed for being a Christian and upholding Biblical values. Still the American government remains silent about this human rights violation.

Then the anti-Christian state of Oregon is back with a public school shooting of only Christians. The President dismisses the killing of Christians in favor of pushing his agenda of removing the second amendment from the Constitution of America. Still the American government does not care about the human rights violation/

America was once a progressive country. But now we see massive moral decay and and explosion of Christian persecution.

Many people wonder why America is not mentioned in prophecy. Speculations center on three possible reasons. First is America will be incorporated into a foreign country, therefor no longer existing as America. Second is we can see going on today, America will be infected with moral decay. Third, America will be decimated because of the Rapture. Last I checked Christians made up 49% of the citizens in America. I heard someone say it had gone up to 51%. Still if the Rapture were to happen, America will loose nearly half of the population.

America once held a strong moral standard. In the last ten years America has forgone moral standards in favor of pushing Christians out.

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