Sunday, December 1, 2019

In the news, we hear about Chick-fil-a turning their back on God and Jesus. The board of the company stated they wanted to make their intentions clear. Well it can not be any clearer. Chick-fil-a has forsaken God.

What does this mean to franchise owners? Well the immediate effect will be a massive loss of customers. I know I don't any portion of my money going to the fagot organizations Chick-fil-a has chosen to support. You can count on me not ever going to another Chick-fil-a.

For the franchise owners, they can dissociate themselves from the corporation. This would mean having to give up on using any of the branding. But there is good news for the franchise owners. Since they do have a well established customer base, they can continue to provide good for to their customers under their own independent names.

It is very sad to see someone turn they backs on God, but that is exactly what Chick-fil-a has done. The corporation may still require their franchisees to be closed on Sunday, but that will not be because they want to honor God. It would be more for deception purposes.

Many Christians has already decided to stop going to Chick-fil-a, and many more will follow this trend.

As a business owner, I would quickly set up my own business name such as in the Chick-fil-a case.

We have p;entry of examples from the Bible what happens when children don't follow God as their parents did. This is true of Chick-fil-a.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

In the news there is a lot of talk from the Communists wanting to impeach President Trump. Let's get this straight. Communists are in America and they call them selves Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives. They also go by other names, but their goal is to bring about the next soviet union in America.

Anyone wanting to dictate religion, take away your guns, or subvert justice and the legal process ARE communists. I know, I've lived in a communists country for three years. I know how it works.

Stalin said 'We don't need religion.' The concept here is to take away hope in something greater, so you will put ALL your hope and trust in the government.

The concept of taking away your guns is simple. If you can't defend yourself it will be easier to subdue the population.

Taking away your rights in the legal process means you can just be silenced by being put away in some prison or terminated without being heard. Basically you are guilty as charged.

Personally, I did not serve, suffer, and fight to just hand over my country to communists. Not on my watch!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Please help find they Colorado car. It is a Chevy Cavalier (maybe) partial 636-L or 639-L
He ran thru a stop sign, causing damage to my car and drove off.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Disastrous! This week in the news has been just one disaster after another.

Looking at recent history over the last several years, you can see how America is taking China's one child law and super charging it. First you have Obama care mandating that everyone, men and women, get abortion and pregnancy prevention health coverage.

Seriously, Obama and the Democrats think men can get pregnant. How far is this depravity going to go.

So you're telling me when a Husband and Wife get married they are required to have an abortion simply because you don't like children?

Getting pregnant is a choice, except in the case of rape. Everyone knows how a baby is made. Sex is the means to having children. So if you don't know sex leads to pregnancy, then your parents have failed you. You choose to have sex, you are choosing to get pregnant. Sex is a choice.

Over the last few months the Democrats forced the government to shutdown and they went out and celebrated. As the Democrats were filling their bellies with fine wine and food, millions of Americans were struggling to put food on the table for their families.

Do Democrats really hate American and people overall that much? Their action say an astounding YES!

Then you have New York declaring it legal to allow a baby, even if given birth to, to be determined an abortion and allowing it to be left out in the cold, even on a hospital table to die.

At least in China you are allowed to have children. Also in China they value the lives of their children. Seeing the path America is taking, it is clear America does not value life. Then if you take the next logical step, if a living breathing baby can be killed, why not someone you don't like. We do see this in Islam.

In the Koran, there is a verse stating to 'kill the sick in the mind'. Well 'sick in the mind' is open to interpretation. Psycho doctors call normal people sick in the mind all the time. So in Islam, if you don't like someone or just want to go kill someone, you can say they are 'sick in the mind' and go kill them. With over 100 different verses in the Koran, Islam does not value life.

Are we to see murder made legal in America? It certainly does seem that way.

So now in America having children is going to be soon not a right. I see the day coming when people will require permission to have children.

These are not just the end times, it is the end. As persecution rises and morals are stripped away, the once safe world we thought we lived in will be unrecognizable.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Until recently, that being 1980's and newer, people have been less and less willing to show basic respect for other people. Recently I was talking with a woman. She was like many these days who believe and want to force their options on other people but refuse to listen.

She was quick to close her ears and open her mouth. In the last century and past, people were able to get together and communicate with each other. This included listening to what others have to say. It was known for absolute enemies being able to meet and have an open conversation. They had respect for people. This was true even though they could return to trying to kill each other the vey next day. But this is not the way most are today.

Not listening to and interrupting someone is disrespectful.

This explains why it is bug news when best or worse enemies put a halt to their hostilities and get together in peace. The news media makes it sound like this kind of thing is a huge breakthrough. The lack of respect and unwillingness to listen to all sides is also the core to congress and senate being unable to work together.

A hundred years ago, this would be normal. It is this king of respect for our fellow human beings that allow us to settle disputes, have peace talks and negotiations, and the overall ability for people to get together and take on any project; even build a nation.

Where do you stand? Do you listen or do you close your ears and open your mouth?

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

In a recent 2016 movie, The Accountant, there was a famous line stated by the lead actor. In the movie his character said that he would like to have a relationship but just does not know how. Many people are quick to say someone is abnormal or 'just not right'. They like to say they have some mental condition.

One such case they decided it was better to isolate him in hopes of him developing better relational skills. In a recent IQ test, it was shown he has an 180 IQ and does desire to be able to relate to people. In his own words he just does not know how to.

Instead of automatically assuming someone is mentally wrong, maybe you should consider they are different because they have a higher IQ, can learn quickly, or has interests that are different than your own.

Imagine what the world is missing because these psychologists jump to conclusions of mental deficiency. Just consider the Einsteins and Steve Jobs these, as I prefer to call them psyco doctors, have prevented from reaching their potentials.

Perhaps you know someone who just seems a little different. Before you jump to conclusions, maybe you should make an effort to get to know them. You never know, they may be willing to make friends and relate to people but just don't know how.

Remember: Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Children are a gift from God. But there are parents out there that don't care about their children.

What is the difference between successful and not. Look at Bill Gates. He was adopted, however, his adopted father was involved in his life. He worked on various projects around the house. Simple things such as working on the car were part of his growing up. Along the way teaching their children as they work.

Successful people and even children will say they got their start working with their father on various things. Some it was just working on a lot of one kind of project. This is the time children develop their passions in life.

Compare that to those who go out and shoot up schools, rob the local store, or any number of destructive behavior. You hear their stories, and despite the differences, there is one common theme ; at was not involved in their daily lives. Many their father was just not part of their lives.

Now we do see those who choose not to let their absent fathers or mothers have a negative effect of their lives. They too become successful.

What we do know is children who have a father who is there for them everyday and work with them on different projects or even everyday tasks develop a drive in them. This drive carries them throughout many aspects of life.

So if you have children, be there for them. Teach them what you know. Work with them each day. They will thank you some day.