Tuesday, January 29, 2019

In a recent 2016 movie, The Accountant, there was a famous line stated by the lead actor. In the movie his character said that he would like to have a relationship but just does not know how. Many people are quick to say someone is abnormal or 'just not right'. They like to say they have some mental condition.

One such case they decided it was better to isolate him in hopes of him developing better relational skills. In a recent IQ test, it was shown he has an 180 IQ and does desire to be able to relate to people. In his own words he just does not know how to.

Instead of automatically assuming someone is mentally wrong, maybe you should consider they are different because they have a higher IQ, can learn quickly, or has interests that are different than your own.

Imagine what the world is missing because these psychologists jump to conclusions of mental deficiency. Just consider the Einsteins and Steve Jobs these, as I prefer to call them psyco doctors, have prevented from reaching their potentials.

Perhaps you know someone who just seems a little different. Before you jump to conclusions, maybe you should make an effort to get to know them. You never know, they may be willing to make friends and relate to people but just don't know how.

Remember: Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37

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