Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Children are a gift from God. But there are parents out there that don't care about their children.

What is the difference between successful and not. Look at Bill Gates. He was adopted, however, his adopted father was involved in his life. He worked on various projects around the house. Simple things such as working on the car were part of his growing up. Along the way teaching their children as they work.

Successful people and even children will say they got their start working with their father on various things. Some it was just working on a lot of one kind of project. This is the time children develop their passions in life.

Compare that to those who go out and shoot up schools, rob the local store, or any number of destructive behavior. You hear their stories, and despite the differences, there is one common theme ; at was not involved in their daily lives. Many their father was just not part of their lives.

Now we do see those who choose not to let their absent fathers or mothers have a negative effect of their lives. They too become successful.

What we do know is children who have a father who is there for them everyday and work with them on different projects or even everyday tasks develop a drive in them. This drive carries them throughout many aspects of life.

So if you have children, be there for them. Teach them what you know. Work with them each day. They will thank you some day.

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