Sunday, February 14, 2021

Coming Next #3

With their planned concentration camps, designed to re-educate people, you can be sure to hear terms like ‘it’s for your own good’ and ‘best for the country’. Additional to that, children will be moved into government housing to ‘better educate them’ as their parents will be re-educated. Public schools will not open as normal again. As you can see, for example in Chicago, the teacher’s union demands things on their terms. None of these terms benefit children. But this is what Adolf Hitler did in the 1930’s. Then it was the Hitler youth. They would be go to these camps and be educated in the ideology of the Nazi Party. The German government after a number of years tried to put a stop to it. Later Hitler was able to expand his program to include more German youth. Is it any wonder there were so many willing followers of Hitler in 1940 and onward? This is one of the core principles of changing a country. Already many if not all schools lock up their doors to keep parents out. Children are told not to share what they are learning with their parents. Online learning is insisting that parents not be in the room with their children. Kindergarten is not teaching sex education, and it is not real sex education. They are teaching these small children boys are supposed to be with boys and girls are supposed to be with girls in sexual relationships. Additionally they are being taught that boys and girls having sex is a bad thing. But parents should get involved in their children’s education. Parents should look at the lockdowns as a positive thing. What I mean is they should use every second of the lockdown to be involved with their children and certainly in what the schools are teaching. If not, we will lose our children.

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