Wednesday, February 17, 2021

How's that Global Warming?

Over the weekend, we experienced a progressive winter. Being North America, having cold weather is expected. This cold weather did go all the way south. In Texas, their 'green energy' stopped working, and in order to get it working, they had to use stuff made from fossil fuels. Puppet-Fuhrer Joe Biden did promise a 'dark winter' for America. Texas is certainly getting a taste of that dark winter. But on the other hand all the climate czars. How's that global warming going for you? Puppet-Furher decided to start his regime with increasing the unemployment. The expectation is that they go get jobs in solar. Well all that solar stuff is made in China. Do you really expect the unemployed Americans to move to China and get jobs there? They have their own unemployed. I'm certain China is not going to welcome more unemployed to their country. We are already seeing the beginnings of the third economic great depression starting.

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