Tuesday, March 2, 2021

In the military now

Serving in the military is something people do to serve their country. For all the reasons someone would want to serve in the military, the most common reason is love of country. My family has a long line of military service, dating all the way back to the founding of the country. I even served in the military. But my service was ended because of politics. One thing that should never be in the military is politics. But for the last 30 years politics have been essentially destroying the military. Now we can see with the hostile takeover of America, turning the capital into a militarized zone, even that was politics. Those military were not full service, and they had to be vetted. When they were vetted, what they were looking for were people who only voted and supported the new Nazi regime. Do you think this is going to end there? No it will not. Next they will be dismissing military personnel all based on their political views. But that will not be the end. Anyone looking to go into the military will have to pass this political view test as well. This will just further cement the new anti-American regime's power. Just look at house bill HR1, it takes over the election system and gets rid of every citizen's voting rights. They will be able to control the election any way they want. If you think this fixes the problems we've seen, think again. Get a copy of it, read it, and tell them NO. Don't believe me. Just watch. It is coming.

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