Sunday, July 26, 2015

What are we lacking today? We are lacking good fathers and good leaders.

When Moses was going to die, he conferred with the congregation all the laws God has set. Then the congregation swore to keep God's commandment. Then Joshua was confirmed the new leader by Moses under God's orders.

When Joshua was going to die, (on his death bed as we say today), he too conferred with the congregation and leaders all of God's laws, and the people swore to be committed to God's laws.

When the elders who took over after Joshua died, there is no record of the leaders conferring God's laws. The people turned away from God.

In the accounts of the kings of Israel, when a king would take down the pagan alters and monuments, read confer, and commit to God's laws, the nation prospered. But when this was not done, the people again turned away from God and the nation suffered.

America was once a God fearing nation, and was prosperous. But now too many people have turned away from God, and we are in an economic depression. I know the government wants people to think the economy is getting better, but we still have higher than normal unemployment (above 6%).

If you look at the unemployment rates following the great depression until 2000, it never reached 6%. With the bailout in 2001, unemployment reached above 6% for two months. This was just one company. In 2008, multiple companies, including the same one from 2001, were bailed out. Unemployment has gone above 30%. Worse than the great depression (25%).

We, as a nation, need to turn back to God, and obey God's laws.

The constant warning about not following God's laws was the nation would cease to be a nation. It happened to Israel, and it is happening to America. Only if we turn back to God will America be saved.
There will be a break one way or another. For weeks I've been reading a discussion board and reply to some posts. On there was a woman who is blinding herself to the truth. The Bible says there are people who blind themselves to the truth.

I continued to speak the truth to her. She continued to come back and deny God, the Bible, and even scientific fasts. Finally she decided it was too much. She deleted her all her posts.

The Bible says to stand true in God's word. Many sermons in church tell us to continue to sow the seed of truth. As Christians we are to stand fast in all circumstances in life. Even Jesus said to Love one another, in this way the world will know we are His.

If you are ministering to someone who continues to refuse to listen to the truth, just continue to minister. They will break one way or the other. Either they will finally listen to the truth or run.

We need to save as many people as we can. We are living in a time when people are not listening to sound doctrine. However, there are still those who will listen. For one day the rapture will happen and those left behind will suffer. If you don't like to suffer, why would you allow someone else to suffer when you can do something about it?

Friday, July 17, 2015

What is the 'grey area'? I think of the grey area as man calling sin good. However, God still sees sin as sin. There is no grey area with God.

Yesterday I heard on the radio about one man, who I will not name, being called a Christina but then saying Jesus would saction sin.

How can someone call themselves a Christina and then say sin is good?

To me this is not a sign of a Christina. Remember in the Bible: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.  Revelation 22:18-19

If you claim to be a Christian, guard your minds from the evil of this world, and do not call sin good. We will all be judged.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Bible is terminate, never changing. America was founded on the Bible. The nation was blessed by God. We all have a choice to make. Choose God or be against Him.

Jesus said: He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

Christians accept the Bible and all that is within it. Those who don't like something in the Bible is clearly against Jesus. They choose to reject Jesus.

I received a response today from one such person. I stated a couple of Bible verses, and his response was one of hate.

markdknife went off talking about hate and a plethora of other insane topics. A the end he tried to down grade me because he does not like God's word.

This is stupidity at its highest.

Following God is not easy, but is worth everything.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Fine, gag order not deterring Christian bakers

Fine, gag order not deterring Christian bakers

The courts disregard the Constitution of America. Many are calling for the breaking up of America. With anti-constitutional decisions by courts all across America, it is easy imagine how America will no longer be a nation.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Perception! What does that mean to you? Last night I was told that I don't seem like the kind of person who would be interested in a specific event. Well I would be interested.

In our everyday lives, what kind of perception are we giving out to others? I hope I would give one that honors God, and shows Jesus to the world.

It is not my life but God's life I am to live. God gave us this life we have, and how we use that life we are to be accountable before God for.

Regardless of how you think about God, you will stand to answer for everything you have done in this life.

Live a life that honors God.

Love Didn't Win-It Was Redefined

Love Didn't Win-It Was Redefined

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I have often told people part of the problem causing this depression we are in, is because of the bailouts from 2008 and 2009.

If we look at history, in 1989 Poland went through economic reforms. Many of their factories were not turned over to private ownership for fear of shutting down if they had to compete in a free market. It would have been better to permit them to go out of business. Thane this concept:

Businesses are in business to make money. If they can not make money, they should either change what they are doing in order to make money, or close the business and allow successful businesses to cover their market.

Any business man and woman can tell you a business is in business to make money. This is what businesses exist for: to make money. It is absurd to ruin the economy by subsidizing an enterprise that is economically unviable.

A case in point. In America, the businesses that could not make money and remained in business with the help of the government STILL had to 'lay off' their employees to stop the bleeding of money. These employees were under the impression their jobs would be waiting for them. Until then the employees lost everything they saved for, because they were not looking for work. As a result they ended up having to go on government unemployment assistance. Many employees never got their jobs back.

It would have been better if the company were to go out of business, therefore, letting the employees know they need to be looking for work, than having them hold onto false hope their jobs would still be there for them.

As a result, unemployment went above 30%, which is higher than the unemployment rate of the great depression of the 1930's and 1940's. The government, in a vain hope to make things look better than they really are, only report new claims of unemployment. These numbers never take into account those who continue to be unemployed for more than a month.

In 2000, the government bailed out one company and two months latter the unemployment went above 6%. You may not think that is so bad, but if you look at the historical records, you will find that since the end of the great depression, unemployment never reached 6%. It was only after this one company bailout did it go so high. So in 2008 & 2009, many failing companies received a bailout.

The results; well we are still suffering those results.

My Response to Same Sex Marriage

My Response to Same Sex Marriage