Sunday, July 26, 2015

There will be a break one way or another. For weeks I've been reading a discussion board and reply to some posts. On there was a woman who is blinding herself to the truth. The Bible says there are people who blind themselves to the truth.

I continued to speak the truth to her. She continued to come back and deny God, the Bible, and even scientific fasts. Finally she decided it was too much. She deleted her all her posts.

The Bible says to stand true in God's word. Many sermons in church tell us to continue to sow the seed of truth. As Christians we are to stand fast in all circumstances in life. Even Jesus said to Love one another, in this way the world will know we are His.

If you are ministering to someone who continues to refuse to listen to the truth, just continue to minister. They will break one way or the other. Either they will finally listen to the truth or run.

We need to save as many people as we can. We are living in a time when people are not listening to sound doctrine. However, there are still those who will listen. For one day the rapture will happen and those left behind will suffer. If you don't like to suffer, why would you allow someone else to suffer when you can do something about it?

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