Sunday, July 26, 2015

What are we lacking today? We are lacking good fathers and good leaders.

When Moses was going to die, he conferred with the congregation all the laws God has set. Then the congregation swore to keep God's commandment. Then Joshua was confirmed the new leader by Moses under God's orders.

When Joshua was going to die, (on his death bed as we say today), he too conferred with the congregation and leaders all of God's laws, and the people swore to be committed to God's laws.

When the elders who took over after Joshua died, there is no record of the leaders conferring God's laws. The people turned away from God.

In the accounts of the kings of Israel, when a king would take down the pagan alters and monuments, read confer, and commit to God's laws, the nation prospered. But when this was not done, the people again turned away from God and the nation suffered.

America was once a God fearing nation, and was prosperous. But now too many people have turned away from God, and we are in an economic depression. I know the government wants people to think the economy is getting better, but we still have higher than normal unemployment (above 6%).

If you look at the unemployment rates following the great depression until 2000, it never reached 6%. With the bailout in 2001, unemployment reached above 6% for two months. This was just one company. In 2008, multiple companies, including the same one from 2001, were bailed out. Unemployment has gone above 30%. Worse than the great depression (25%).

We, as a nation, need to turn back to God, and obey God's laws.

The constant warning about not following God's laws was the nation would cease to be a nation. It happened to Israel, and it is happening to America. Only if we turn back to God will America be saved.

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