Monday, September 2, 2013

Counting the costs. What do I mean by this? Why did I start this blog?

After all I have not posted anything new for some time in this blog. I started this blog to talk about some of the costs involved in getting to know someone and for that someone to part of one's life.

Well today I received a text from that someone about getting a free drink at Chick-Fil-A. I kept thinking about going there all day. Latter as I was getting off work I began thinking of writing. So thinking of two different things it just come naturally to put the two together. I texted her to let her know what I was going to do. Not that I was expecting to get a response from her, just letting her know. I intended to go by myself and if she showed up or not, I would not made a difference.

She sent me a text message saying I should go by myself. I was driving there when I received the text. I sent a response, and got one back. Well to cut this part short, after a few texts and some driving, I was there. I got a salad and the drink. I started working on my new book but it was not easy. Because of the text message I continued to wonder if she was coming or not. Well I was able to start a new chapter. I finished my salad, still had some drink left, and still kept wondering if she was coming. I began thinking it would have been best not to have received the text message. I packed up my computer and re-filled my drink then went home.

This was a learning experience for me. I finally realized I should have either not sent the original text or included in that text not to respond. Either way I would have not been expecting her to come and may have written more material for my new book.

It is experiences like these that get people thinking. I am certainly thinking. I still care for my friend, and enjoy spending some time with her.

I was told by another friend: when two people come together they bring in their baggage and their own personalities, and there will be things to work out. This is true regardless of the relationship. That is any relationship (friends, dating, marriage, accquences, enemies).

We all grow up in some sort of house environment with adults that direct or don't direct how we should behave. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and when we finally get out into the world these behaviors will be what each person expect from those they meet. It is thru social interactions in all stages of life that we learn other ways of thinking and doing things. It is because of these differences people get along well and also have conflicts. Being open and honest with each other lets us know what we are doing is either accepted or not. This is where growing and maturing come from.

We can say we are grown and mature simply due to our age, however, age does not make a person grown and mature. It is our interactions with people, weather one time or repeatedly, where we truely grow and mature.

It is said we are done growing and maturing when we are dead. When God calls us home are we really grown and mature therefore we have gained all we can from this mortal life. I hope all of you get the most out of this life before God calls you home.

I would love to hear your stories. You can post comments where only I can see them.

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