WOW!. Men's group study was amazing today. We went over the first study and each man had to answer the first question. When it came to my turn I had a realization.
I don't have children and therefore don't understand the concern fathers have for their children. But When asked all I could think of what the car accident my dear friend and I were in. I was not concerned for my well being, all I could think of what my dear friend. At that time she was, and still is, more important than me. This feeling I have for her is what parents have for their children. I now understand why parents are willing to drop everything in order to be there for their children.
When you care for someone more than you do yourself, you are no longer self-centered. This is another one of the prayers I had. I was involved in a rollover car wreck years ago. It confused me when my parents were more concerned about me than the state of the vehicle. I asked God to show me what that is like, and now with my dear friend I understand more clearly what it feels like to place someone else above yourself.
One definition I heard for love was to value someone else more than yourself.
I went to see a movie called 'The Investigator'. One point in this movie really touched me. There was a scene where a father come in and discovers his son is dead. I don't want to think about what it would be like if I lose my dear friend.
After I returned home, the second part of my order was waiting at the door for me. I picked it up and took in the mail. Good news in the mail as well. I got my medical card. I opened the mail and finally the package. After inspecting it, I went to move the car but the wheel was stuck. That's was I get for parking and applying the parking break in a spot where there is going to be flooding rain water.
I was so mad at this and worried. I went to work on it, including taking off the tire and it would not turn. I prayed to God and then one last whack the break released. I put the tire back on and then applied the bumper sticker. Thank God again.
Service tonight was great too. Today my dear friend asked me for a ride to church. I was overjoyed to be of service to her. After church she told me she does not want me to spend any more money on stuff for her. She was clearly concerned, but her concerns are not necessary. I told her I have done foolish things in my life, but being available, there for, and of service to my friends has never been one of them.
Being there for your friends and being of service to tem is a blessing. There is no reason to be concerned. What I do is not so much for my dear friend but for Jesus. We are to be of service one to another. This is what is taught in the Bible. I think Jesus may have even said it.
All day God has been there. Today has been about God. God has been showing me how he has been answering my prayers. Even with my dear friend God has constantly been showing me how he has been using her to answer many of my prayers. I know God is using me to answer her prayers. The thing is we just can not see what those prayers are that God is working in our lives unless we tell each other.
Do you see God working in your life through the people God put in your life?
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