Monetary costs are easy to come up with. You just simple look at the money you are spending or have to spend for something. I got paid today. Sounds good for most people, however, I am feeling down about it. In-fact I am distraught. I got paid $149.63. When you have $150 of bills to pay this kind of pay just does not work out well.
I filled up both my cars with gas today with that money. One car I use to transport my dear friend to and from school as well as other places. I am overjoyed to do that for her. I don't ask for anything in return. This is a cost I am glad to pay. Her happiness, well being, and over all wellness is important to me.
Why am I writing this? Well my day has been a disappointing day because of the little money I get. I still can not pay for a place to live, and have to be dependent on others. Something I don't like, however, lets look at the blessings I have.
I have a roof over my head.
I have food to eat.
I have clean clothes.
I have a place to lay my head.
I have a job.
I have people in my life whom care about me.
So why am I so distraught? I shouldn't be. I should be thankful for the blessings I do have. I could have it worse. There are people out there who do have it worse than me. My heart and prayers go out to them.
Thank you Jesus for all You have provided! Amen!
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