Have you heard of a song by FFH titled Undone? Well I have and it is one of the few songs that I really take note of.
In the song there are a few lines:
Come undone, surrender is stronger
I don't need to be the hero tonight
We all want love we all want honor
Nobody wants to pay the asking price
In the old testament Moses had seen God's back side. He was protected from seeing God in full. This caused a massive change in Moses. When he come down from the mountain, it was clear to all there that Moses was not the same.
Isaiah 6:5 'Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a
man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean
lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.'
These two verses were part of a sermon I heard years ago. Granted I butchered that sermon, but the point was no one could stand in the presence of God and survive. Their sins, no matter how small they may seem, will be revealed. Such person would become undone. Their entire life would become undone. At the time I was still struggling with a sin destroying my life. I knew if God were to undo myself and life it would be painful, but the end result would be better than what I have.
My dear friend mentioned in her blog about a prayer she made and how God was answering it. Today I felt like God was telling me that it was time for me to tell her about my prayer. I do not want to disturb her while she is in class, so I will share it with all of you.
I prayed to God that He would make me undone. I desperately wanted to stop sinning and live for God in all my ways. The process was slow at first. God told me I needed to resist and stop sinning first. Just like Jesus said to the woman after the crowd left, God told me to 'sin no more.'
After I had been resisting and stopping myself from sinning that most pressing sin, God sent a Christian woman into my life. A bit of a story on this. I signed up for a Christian dating site and had not used it for over a year. Then one day I get a message and responded. The message was from this Christian woman. She tells me she did not initiate contact with me, so I take it that God must have done the initiating. We did arrange to meet and have become friends.
Little did I know God was going to use this Christian woman to begin the work of undoing my life. The significance of how God has used her to change my life is why I refer to her as my 'dear friend'. Everything I was holding on to and building a wall against the world is all rolled up in this perfect package I call my dear friend. God has shown me the things in my life I have been denying, holding me back, and what He was not pleased with.
This process began before we met. There is one thing about her I would have walked away from, but God told me to go and meet her. In the next two weeks we met then God really began working. I finally had a breakdown in front of her. There have been a few others since then, but these are just God cleaning out my life. It is also now that God is working on several other prayers as he is undoing my life.
We continue to remain friends. God is still working on my life. There are times when I just want to give up, but God is there telling me to carry on and directing me. I do not regret my prayer. I am very thankful for my dear friend. I do look forward to seeing what God has in store for me.
Do any of you want God to change your life?
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