Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Emotional costs are bound to happen. Tonight a friend I love told me that a friend she had been praying for called with good news. To me it sounds as if they will be dating. For me my mind tends to view the future. I already tend to see them getting married and having a life together.

Now that is good for them and I will be happy for them. But for me right now I am trying to deal with the possible loss. I told her how I really feel about her.

I have been thru a marriage relationship that failed. But despite the failure I mearned to be a husband, father, and what it takes to make a marriage work. If there are problems in a relationship, those problems will need to be worked out. If they can not be worked out the relationship will fail.

I do wish the best for my friend and the other man. Regardless of what happens, it is God's will be done. Amen!

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