Monday, August 5, 2013

Last night an emotional cost came to mind. Change is a natural part of life. When counting the costs you are doing so because of doing or considering doing something important to you. When that change involves other people the costs go beyond any monetary value. It become emotional, lifestyle, and personal growth.

Knowing something intellectually and emotionally are completely different things. People have their own lives to live. Getting involved with anyone is major. People could spend the rest of their lives getting to know each other and still have something new to learn. I have friends I have known for years and I still learn something new about them.

although I am still trying to count the costs, I know I may never be able to predict everything. You can go the financial planner route and account for everything common then add 10%-20% to that and say it is good. But still it is what you do not see that really gets you.

The Bible tells us about good financial principles. Following these principles has benefited many people around the world. I pray that I can follow the teachings in the Bible like so many others. Amen!

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