Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This morning my dear friend called me and asked if I really asked her to marry me. Well we agreed to meet and I asked her again. Her father came over and I met with him. I foundn him to be an interesting man and look forward to seeing him again and getting to know the family even more.

I had not met her father and was excited to meet him. We talked for a bit. Mostly it was about his daughter, my dear friend. He told me about other men that have come and gone. He said once they get to know her they would leave and never be heard from again. Well I can tell you I intend to stick around.

I love my friend and am aware there will be a lot of costs involved in providing for her. I am willing to do what ever it takes to provide for her.

After we talked for a while about several things concerning our relationship. We finished with prayer.

I have had time to think about it and I STILL WANT TO MARRY MY DEAR FRIEND!

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