Friday, November 22, 2013

"Don't do this!" God says. Have you heard God speak to you? Was it what you expected? Did you expect God to go into a long explanation like He did in the Old Testament? We don't need God to tell us what will happen if we do this or that. We have God's word for that. We already know what will happen. God only needs to say to us "Do this." or "Don't do this." Every-time the thought or temptation comes, God is there telling me 'Don't do this.' I don't need him to tell me what will happen if I do follow through with the temptation. I already know. God speaks to me, giving me direction everyday even every hour because I asked God to.

Years ago God told me to go in one direction and I went in another. Like Jonah and Rebecca, I went my own way. Whatever God had planned for me if I did what He wanted, I will NEVER know. I ended up going my own way and now have to deal with an Ishmael. Not that I have any children, but like the descendants of Abraham, one being Rebecca's way and the other being God's way, they are still in conflict today. Not doing something God's way is going to result in something that will haunt you for a long time. As a result of going my own way, I still have those long term issues to deal with.

If Rebecca trusted in God and waited then the world would be a very different place. When God tells you to do something, don't ask why. Have you ever asked God for an explanation? What did He say? I have and God told me to trust Him. I simply need to do as God says. I don't need to know what God is going to do. Whatever God says to do, just go with it. You may think you have something better, but then you lose out on what God has for you. There are many people out there that go their own way despite what God is telling them, and they are miserable.

I have a friend who said once "It seems like 'this' is what God has for me, but I think I can do better." (Leaving out the particulars of what God has for this friend.)

Looking at the first part: (It seems like this is what God has for me.) If God has something for you, then just because you cannot see what it is that God will do with 'this' does not mean you can do better. One church service I attended last month talked about our 'but'. In other words our exceptions, excuses, own ideas. When we say to God or talk about God's plan then include 'but', we are trying to say that God is not doing what I WANT. Remember it is God's will, not our will. Even Jesus said "God's will be done." Jesus knew what was coming, He knew it was going to be painful and difficult, however, Jesus submitted to God's will. We know the glory that came from Jesus submitting to God's will. Why should you and I ever not submit to God's will?

If you find yourself torn between what God has for you and your desires, thoughts; go with God. You will like the results.

What is God telling you today? What does it look like God has for you now? Are you thinking you can do better?

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