Sunday, December 27, 2015

Muslim terrorism: it is real. terrorism is normally thought of as physical violence, but they employ other methods. Internet is just one tool they use. Today I received a new threat against my life for a Muslim simply because I am a Christian.

Being a Christian means following the teachings of Jesus and employing them in my life. Jesus commanded us to 'love one another.'

The threat today is: Seriously people like you deserve to die , you are bringing terrorism to yourself due to the anger that you have against other religions

Simply because I am a Christian. According the the Muslim Qu'ran, it ia good to kill Christians and Jew, and lie. So when someone argues with you about the Qu'ran, ask yourself if you know what they are saying is true or a lie. If they a re a Muslim, then you can be certain they are lying to you.

God command us to tell the truth, and Jesus further supported such commands. So a Christian is not allowed to lie.

Who then would you believe?

I believe in Jesus! Jesus is Lord!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Today I read a news report about a Kentucky school district that has banned Christmas. They were doing so because of a supposed federal law. They further went on to say that Christmas is about giving and receiving gifts.

This is all wrong. Christmas is a holiday for Christian. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who came into the world to take away the sins of the world, and provide forgiveness of sins.

Many references in the old testament refer to Jesus' coming and the purpose. When the decibels met Jesus after the resurrection, they did not know him until Jesus opened their minds and showed them how the old testament had many references to Jesus' coming. Luke 24:45: Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,

In America today, there is a growing movement to remove God and Jesus. This act by the Kentucky schools is just another attack on Christmas and Christians alike. Don't allow anyone to take away Christmas. This is a celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus.

Keep Christ Jesus in Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Today a customer got to talking with me. She was about 20 years old and talked about letting terrorists into America. She insisted that Muslims and Christians are the same. I refuted her and asked her if she had read the Qu'ran. She said she has and has a copy. I asked if she knows that the goal of Muslims is to kill because it is written in the Qu'ran.

Qu'ran 8:39: And fight with them until there is no more unbelief and religion should be only of Allah.

Quran 4:104: And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy.

Quran 8:67: It is not for a Prophet (Muslim) that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land.

Qu'ran 9:73: O Prophet strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them.

Qu'ran 33:60-62: If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and the alarmists in the city do not cease, we very shall urge thee on against them, then they will be your neighbors in it but for a little while. Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a fierce slaughter.
(This passage sanctions the slaughter against three groups: Hypocrites- Muslims who refuse to fight and don't act as Muslims should Qu'ran 3:167, those with diseased hearts namely Jews and Christians Qu'ran 5:51-52 , and alarmists who include those who speak out against Islam according to Muhammad. It is worth noting that the victims are to be sought out by Muslims, which is what today's terrorists do. If this passage is meant merely to apply to the city of Medina it is unclear why it is included in Allah's eternal word to Muslim generations.

In fact there are hundreds of verses in the Qu'ran saying things like these few noted verses, directing all Muslims to kill. Killing is an act of hate.

She said she had read the Qu'ran and is aware of it's instructions to kill people world wide. Further she told me she thinks its good to bring those people here to kill us. Despite having stated to her her errors (concerning Christians and Muslims), she was thoroughly convinced Islam and killing Americans is good.

How can we protect America when our own people think it is good to bring the terrorists here to kill us.?

Christians and Muslims are vastly different. Christians believe in Jesus, the son of God, and follow His teachings, both old and new testaments. There are many historical and Biblical accounts where God verbally told the people Jesus is His son. Jesus said "A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. that you also love one another." John 13:34. There is no option to hate for a Christian.

Muslims claim Jesus was just another man, sinful like you and I, and cannot be the son of God.

For years, many officials and ministers have warned about the dangers of not teaching children truth and letting in the enemy into our country. However, Obama wants to bring in millions of terrorists, and many Americans are in support of this.

When I asked her about the recent terrorist attack in California, she avoided the question.

Keep in mind: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14: The conclusion, when all had been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether is it good or evil.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Recently a fellow employee said America's Muslim President, Barak Obama, is a Christian. He could not be farther from the truth. in one of Obama's speeches in recent years, he confessed to being a Muslim and tried to say everyone is a Muslim.

Jesus Christ said people will know we are Christians by our love. John 13:34-35: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

A Christian knows another Christian by this. Obama speaks out against Christians and Jews, but speaks in support for Muslims. Obama does not consider himself a Christian and neither should anyone else.

Christianity is not a religion; it's a life-transforming relationship with Christ. Religion represents our efforts to find God; Christianity is God's effort to seek and to save us.

Despite your denomination, Christians can be found in many different Churches, The only thing is they have to be a God centered church. If the church does not worship the one and only God and His son Jesus Christ, then you can be certain it is not a Christian church. There are many people out there who want you to believe there are other ways to God. This is simply not true. Jesus is the ONLY way to God.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Christians today need God's strength. We get this strength from other Christians and the Bible. However, many Christians do not know what is in the Bible.

As I have mentioned, I read the Bible and compare the different versions. If you are not aware, there are many Bibles out there Christians are using as the true word of God. Comparing these Bibles, I have found three versions that are truly word for word translations. KJV is the first and most used. ESV and NASB are the more modern English versions being word for word.

Because of man's sinful nature, the word of God is offensive. People like to live in sin, and hate the Bible. There are versions of the Bible that diminish the magnifanice of God, and those that change the word of God to conform to man's desires.

When Christians are not firmly founded in the word of God, Christians conform to the sinful culture. Many of my Christian friends are confirming to the sin culture. They support things that are evil in God's eyes. Supporting sinful things, even if you are not participating in such sin, is still sin. If you are having problems in life, and I know my friends have major issues, and God seems to be ignoring you, then examine your life. Ask yourself what in your life is evil in God's eyes. If you have not read the Bible all the way through, then read it.

One problem many Christians face is just knowing that Jesus saves, but then they don't know how to live their lives. Many times in the Bible, God says following my laws will prosper you. Just being saved is not going to bring you a prosperous life. Knowing and following God's laws will. Supporting something that is sin according to God's law is going to bring you trials. God uses trials in our lives to correct our behaviors and our ways. God wants us to be more like Jesus.

Jesus said He came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill. Many Christians think if it is not in the New Testament then it does not apply to them. But the laws in the Old Testament are still relivent today as they were when they were written long ago. It is true we don't sacrifice animals since Jesus is the final sacrifice. However, we all need to strive to follow the law of God.

remember, only those who love sin will find the Bible offensive.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Over the last few months, I've been looking at different translations of the Bible. I have read through the entire Bible and began reading a different translation to find the differences.

Years ago, before I read the Bible. I was told by a pastor that the New King James Version (NKJV) has errors and mistranslations. Yesterday I was conducting my own research trying to find a specific verse. I had been looking in a NKJV Bible for several weeks, but could not find it. I went to a book store and read several different translations. I found the verse I was looking for in all these other translations. I then went back to my NKJV Bible and found this verse was completely replaced. It was not translated incorrectly, rather it was replaced with something else.

I can only assume it was done in the name of not offending people. As you know, there are many churches that are making accommodations for people to sin with the blessings of the church. These churches should keep in mind Revelations 3:16:So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. This pertains to churches standing against sin. Churches that accommodate would fall under this category. 

People who translate the Bible should also keep in mind what Jesus said in Revelations 22:18-19: For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in they book.

For Bible translators, it is wise to translate correctly. For those who take out verses from the Bible, for whatever reason, God will clearly take away from them. Translating the Bible is a noble profession. Having to find out the NKJV Bible has mistranslations and omissions, it is a bible translations everyone should avoid.

At this point I need to go by a new Bible of the correct translation.

Praise be to God!

Friday, October 16, 2015

American government once criticized other countries for human rights violations concerning how they treated Christians.

In such countries, Christians could not own a business, could not worship freely, were put in prison for being and standing for Biblical beliefs, and killed.

Where is America now?

Well Oregon is leading the way to remove Christians from owning and operating a business. The famous case of the bakery in Portland shows us that you can not be a Christian and own and operate a business. Where is the American government's outcry of human rights violations? This kind of actions by courts across America is becoming commonplace.

Certainly looking like you cannot be a Christian and own a business in America.

In one of his national address, President Obama told Christian churches they need to change the way they worship. Still the government does not cry out for human rights violations.

More recently a Kentucky clerk is jailed for being a Christian and upholding Biblical values. Still the American government remains silent about this human rights violation.

Then the anti-Christian state of Oregon is back with a public school shooting of only Christians. The President dismisses the killing of Christians in favor of pushing his agenda of removing the second amendment from the Constitution of America. Still the American government does not care about the human rights violation/

America was once a progressive country. But now we see massive moral decay and and explosion of Christian persecution.

Many people wonder why America is not mentioned in prophecy. Speculations center on three possible reasons. First is America will be incorporated into a foreign country, therefor no longer existing as America. Second is we can see going on today, America will be infected with moral decay. Third, America will be decimated because of the Rapture. Last I checked Christians made up 49% of the citizens in America. I heard someone say it had gone up to 51%. Still if the Rapture were to happen, America will loose nearly half of the population.

America once held a strong moral standard. In the last ten years America has forgone moral standards in favor of pushing Christians out.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

You are to raise up your children. Many times in the Bible, God give instructions on raising children. We are to raise up children in the way they should go. We are to teach them as we wake in the morning and before going to bed. We are to teach them as we walk with them in the day, and as we do our daily tasks everyday. By not raising your children correctly, you are bringing destruction upon you and your children, and this effect society as a whole.

I had seen a post by some parents saying their son wants to dress like a girl. The post says the parents are allowing them to make their own choices.

This however is wrong. We are to teach our children right from wrong, including making good decisions from bad decisions. We are to be their parents, not their best friend. They have plenty of friends. What children need are strong, responsible parents.

As any orphan child and they will tell you what they most desire is to have parents. They have plenty of friends. What they don't desire are more friends.

When a boy or girl wants to be like the opposite sex, this si a sign of a confused child. Parents need to break this or else they will grow into this confusion and be part of the homosexual and transgender perverted culture as adults.

Ephesians 6:3-4 SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU, AND THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Proverbs 22:5-6 Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward: he that doth keep his soul shall be far from them. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Friday, October 9, 2015

As we see a rising hatred and increase in persecution of Christians, we must remain steadfast in Jesus. For Jesus told us this will happen. Read Matthew 24 and learn what Jesus said about our current times. In there was see the first few verses talk about the two world wars. Jesus said there would be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. But yet this is not the end.

Verse 8, Jesus said 'All these are the beginning of sorrows.

If you ever heard people say things will get worse, it is true. Following verse 8 Jesus talks about Christians being delivered up to tribulation, being killed, and being hated by all nations. In America we see an explosion of hatred for Christians. America, a country founded upon Christian principles now hates Christians and Christian principles.

Verse 12 talks about lawlessness will abound. We do see that with many judges dismissing the law and trampling on people's God given rights.

Reading verse 29, we should rejoice if the the sun and moon darkens. In just a few verses, Jesus says he will return for his elect.

Yes the rapture of the church is in Matthew 24.

As Christians we need to stand firm in Christ. Matthew 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

Persecution is coming our way. Stand strong in Jesus.
details of the rapture are in res to the end shall be saved.s. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What is the truth today? Many people think they know the truth and it is what they decide. But the truth is not what you make it. Truth is truth. Truth is not dependent on peoples shifting options and emotions.

In science, we try to find the truth, but there are times when some theory is publicised and taken as fact. Theory is some one's thought or option. It is not truth. Truth is discovered.

Some years ago Norman Geisler and Frank Turek wrote a book entitled I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, in which they discussed the concept of truth: Truth is discovered, not invented. It is transcultural, true for everyone, everywhere, and all the time. Truth is unchanging; it's immune from shifting human opinions. Truth is absolute, for it comes from an absolutely supreme Creator-God.

Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the life; no one come unto the father except thru Him.

In many parts of the world, Christians are the most persecuted people. All other religions are allowed to continue without any reprisal. Even in America, Christians are being punished for their faith. America the so-called 'free' country. Well if we Christians are not allowed to be Christians, then America is truly not a free Country. Jesus told His decibels the days of Sodom will return. We see that happening with the destruction of marriage (also called same sex marriage), the promoting of homosexual agendas and the government forcing it on everyone, even in the entertainment industry.

Know the truth. Search for Jesus, and you will find Him.

Put your trust in Jesus today.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

We are made in the image of God. We do not have the right to distort, change, alter, and modify the image. God created us in His likeness. Genesis 1:26

I now have seen previews for four movies that either promote homosexualism or the destruction of the body. This is not natural. Hollywood has clearly embraced the Fagot movement, and the 'hate your body' movement. Despite the utter evil these movies promote, they are advertised and promoted with positive comments. The general public seems to be welcoming these movies with open arms.

We can not allow these kinds of movies to be accepted in any way. We need to protest these movies. We need to send a clear message to Hollywood that these kinds of movies are unacceptable.

If children see these movies, they will become fascinated with what they promote and experiment themselves. We need to protect our children.

Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The once productive America is being burdened by unproductive welfare states. Welfare in turn infects the culture by encouraging an attitude of dependency. Being dependent is wholly contrary to the American spirit.

In high school, two female classmates met a woman who told them about a scam. The goes like this: She makes herself available to men and encourages them to send here money with the promise of meeting them. They send the money, but she never meets the men. She would try to get more money out of them, but always come up with some excuse as to why she is unable to travel. She never worked. She was never productive to society, and had children who learned the same laziness. In turn these children grow up becoming dependent on welfare or conducting the same scam.

all across America, every neighborhood where people are dependent on welfare have the highest crime rates, and have the most unmaintained buildings (both residential and commercial).

Welfare is a drain on all of society. People who get free money become complacent. They loose their spirit of self worth.

Welfare should never be.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Refugees -- the current crisis.

Is the news coming from Europe disturbing to you? Well it should be. I am disturbed about this news.

I've seen what these 'immigrants' do. They claim to come to our countries looking for a better way of life. They get free money, and are provided for better than us citizens. They become a drag on the economy, and turn the once great places into the very way of life they are claiming to flee from.

They should not be sent back. We need to stop this invasion. Send them back!

They are forcing their way of life on us. Allowing them to get a foothold in Europe will destroy Europe.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Credit Cars, secured or not secured?

I remember a time when all you needed was the credit card number and expression date to run up any charges (legitimate or not). Then additional security measures were added. Companies added the need for a name, then the billing zip code, then the billing address, and the + 3 code on the back.

In the 1980's, clothing stores added radio frequency identity tags (RFID) to clothing merchandise to prevent shoplifting. Soon smaller sticker chips were developed and added to tapes and CDs. The potential of this technology soon became clear, (at least to the retail companies). But this technology was expanded.

The RFID only works with computers. The signal being given off means nothing unless a computer, with a scanner, is programed with the relevant information. With the advancement of computer and RFID scanning technology, RFID use expanded beyond preventing shoplifting.

Scientists began using RFID implant chips on wildlife to track animals in the wild.

About ten years ago, one bank began using RFID chips in their credit and check cards. The Tap-and-Go scanner was developed to make this work. I once had a card issued from one back seven years ago. (I don't have that card anymore.) Mostly I did not use this feature.

Cell phone technology used a gold chip integrated into a credit card like card with a punch out card to insert into the cell phone. This chip completed the circuit of the cell phone instructing it as to who telephone number it is and was service it functions on. This same chip idea was adapted by the Department of Defense. I worked for the DoD and was issued an ID chip card to access the computers and allow me access into secured areas.

Now we see the combination of all this technology being used in many credit cards. Currently I heard people and the news saying it is mandated to have this RFID chip as part of every credit and debit card.

Currently my bank don't use the RFID chips in their cards. So I don't have a chip card.

I have researched this new chip technology. First thing, it is supposed to be safer. The method certainly makes it after, and would cut down on data breaches. But they still have the RFID feature.

I'm sure most people have seen advertisements on television about card reader blocking technology. This technology takes advantage of the scanning feature RFID was originally developed for.

For those who have the chip, RFID blocking technology does exist and work. But if you don't have a chip card, don't worry about identity thieves and their card scanning technology. A traditional swipe card can only be read buy passing by a magnetic strip reader.

What is a magnetic strip reader, you many be wondering. If you look at a cassette tape player, you will see a rounded metal device that comes down and comes in contact with the tape. This 'tape technology' is the same technology the magnetic strip on the back of credit and debit cards are based on. In some card swiping machines, (at shopping stores), you can see the metal magnetic reading device sticking into the swipe path where you slide your card.

Amazing how these different technologies come together.

So is this new RFID chip card safer? The process of charging your account may have gotten safer at the check out counter, but card scanning thieves can still scan your card information right out of your wallet if you don't have the RFID blocking technology in your wallet.

Lets look into the future.

This same technology being used to track wild animals is being developed for humans. You can get an RFID sub-dermis implant. It can be used like a credit card Tap-and-Go with all your personal information.

Let's explore this.

For the military, it can ensure secure access to areas of military installations using a RFID scanner, (like the place I once worked). It can be programed with your banking information, therefore replacing your credit and debit cards. Along with this, it can be programed with your identity, therefore replacing your passports, driver licenses, and other forms of ID cards. Of course if you want to do online shopping, you would need a QR code to scan with your computer or cell phone camera. The only logical way to have this QR code is to be tattooed on your arm or hand.

Hmm... Sounds like Revelation 13:16-17: And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Persecution against Christians is still growing. More schools are threatened, and denied Constitutional rights. I heard on the radio a report that the Colorado supreme court and their court of appeals ordered Christians schools banded from allowing their students from participating in religious natural after school programs.

It is a fact if these schools and students were to forsake God, denounce Jesus, then they will be permitted to participate. Colorado is home to Focus on the Family, and several other Christian organizations. With this recent decision, Colorado is saying they are against God and Jesus. Colorado has become an anti-Christian state.

But this should not surprise anyone.

Earlier this year you may have seen a Pew Research Center report that America is rapidly becoming less Christian and more atheistic. The number of adults claiming no religious affiliation increased to 56 million, an all-time high. Almost a third of those are self-described atheists.

Before you grow too discouraged over these trends, remember what the early church faced. The New Testament Christians were a small, despised minority, unpopular, opposed, and often persecuted. The government pressured them, and their culture looked down on them. They were reviled. But they were also resolved. These stalwarts held to their convictions and changed the world.

God's people have always been yeast in the dough, salt in the wound, light in the darkness, and sand in the snake oil of secularism. There's no silencing a Christian who, like Esther, is willing to speak the truth with the attitude, If I perish, I perish (Esther 4:16). The apostle Paul said, For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).

In Christ, we can uphold our convictions, whether in life or in death whether anyone else does or not.

We need to stand up for Christ. We Christians need to hold our ground. We need to advance the Gospel. The signs of the end times are upon us all, but this is no excuse to stop working for Christ.

Onward Christina soldier, onward!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

On my way to church I was listening to the radio. On air was a sermon. The minister began teaching about evolution. He was going through the steps of how life began on its own. He taught life grew into more complex life.

This is wrong.

Teaching that life began on its own is dismissing God.

The Bible is clear. Life began because God made it so.

But if that is not good enough for you, science proves life could not begin on its own. Darwin’s theory has been disproven. That is why it is still called a theory, a disproven theory.

In science, a theory is an idea or thought believed to be possible, and to be tested to be determined if true or not.

Only a scientific fact is true. A scientific fact can start out as a theory, but once proven to be true, it will always be called a fact.

Ancient earth scientists have tested their theory of how life formed on what they think the earth was like. They set up their self contained labs. They went through the motions. They let their experiments run. They studied the results. They even made adjustments to try to get life to happen.

But with all their experiments, all across the world, in various countries and labs, everyone of them came to the same results. Life does not spontaneously happen.

They came up with various molecules from natural chemical reactions including organic molecules. However none of these molecules could self replicate. They could not perform life generation functions. They just simply existed.

Among these organic molecules were cytosine (C), guanine (G), adenine (A), and thymine (T), all are deoxyribonucleic acids. However, what all these scientists discover was that they are stable as separate molecules. They sill not bond together with each other naturally. They have to be physically put together. You may wonder why this is important. The reason this is important is because these four molecules are the four components of what is commonly known as DNA double helix. DNA comes in two form, the four separate molecules mentioned above, and the the genetic structure sessional to ALL life.

So why does DNA form the double helix structure? It does not. It is put together by intercellular life generating function, i. e. the operations that go on inside a living cell.

In order for DNA to form into the double helix form, God had to put it together. Therefore, DNA as we know it is proof that God exist.

Further, in the science of biology, a natural function of living organisms is a form of security; a guarantee to prevent genetic abnormalities. Scientists have not fully understood how it works. What they have determined is that within living things, both animals and plant, the mother’s body is capable of detecting whither the newly formed offspring has the correct number of chromosomes. The importance of this lies with genetic capability.

For humans, we are made up of 46 chromosomes; 23 from each parent. If the newly formed offspring has more or less than 46 chromosomes, the mother’s body automatically aborts the fetus. The mother will never know she was pregnant. The same goes for other complex forms of life.

For those who think we are descendants of monkeys, keep in mind they are made of 48 chromosomes. Their bodies work the same way. If they conceive a fetus with less than 48 chromosomes, the fetus will be automatically aborted. By Darwin’s theory, humans could not come into existence. However, if we go by Darwin’s theory, taking into account chromosomes, monkeys had to be born from humans. Therefore, monkeys are a higher form of life than humans. So the same is true for all forms of life that have more chromosomes than humans.

Let’s put this into further perspective, there are plants that have more chromosomes than humans and monkeys. So by the perspective of DNA analysis and Darwin’s theory, humans are quite low on the totem pole of developed lifeforms.

I can go on and on, but this is just some of the science proving God exist and Darwin is wrong.

However, God created man in His image. God cares for the birds of the air. How much more important is man to God? This was a question Jesus put fourth to the people. The Bible is clear we are more important to God. That is why Jesus came; to save us.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The fight is fierce. But who will win? We Christians have the Bible and know the prophecies stated within are coming true. We see the days of Sodom and Gomorrah will return before the tribulation. Jesus tells us the reason for their destruction was because they sin was full. They had known God but turned away. Lot knew God and eventually became accepting of the depravity of the people. It is like the frog in hot water.

If you drop a frog in hot water, it will jump out immediately. If you put the frog in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will boil to death. Now they have come out with movies to celebrate their hero in the homosexual movement. I advise you to avoid going to see these movies:


America is a frog in the hot water ready to boil. The fags have been pushing their depraved agenda on us for decades. They have convinced American courts to destroy marriage.

Luke 17:26-  : And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

Also read:

Matthew 24:37-42
2 Timothy 3:1-9

We are seeing men going after strange flesh, money, and many other pursuits OTHER THAN BEING THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY. We see women not marrying, not using their bodies they way God designed them for. They no longer care for the family or they are the only ones carrying for the family. Is it any wonder children are growing up without the proper influences in their lives?

The Father and Mother household has always proven to be the best environment for children throughout history, even from the beginning of the world. Even scientists and non-Christians alike support this viewpoint.

Are we living in the end time? I have to say the evidence says YES. I would like to see the world turn back to God, but the Bible tells us the world will turn from God in the last days. Is this happening to day? YES it is.

During World War 2, America was a Christian country. In the 1990s, we see the emergence of the homosexual movement. They were effective in getting the government to force their depraved lifestyle on the military, until 2011 when it was further enforced on all military personnel. Now they are forcing out Christians from the military. In 2004, Christians accounted for about 60-70% of the country. By 2008, Christians accounted for only 49% of American citizens.

What happened to all of them? They did not die. Many denounced God and are now following depraved pursuits.

I had seen this first hand. I was imprisoned with other Christians. We attempted to have a Bible discussion. It was the first and only time we were able to do so. One prisoner was found to have a Bible in his possession. They took him away, and when he returned he was not the same. One prisoner decided to give up God. Once he did that, he was given special treatment while the rest of us, holding on to our faith in God, were still mistreated.

Persecution in America is growing. Keep your faith in God. It is worth it.

Psalm 56:11 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.
Matthew 10:28 "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Bible is not popular in today's culture. Many people are trying to get rid of the Bible. They are in effect like Hitler and his book burning campaign.

But what is is like when the clergy skips over verses of the Bible simply because it is not popular? It is a tragedy. There are verses in the Bible ministers have avoided.

However, the Bible comes with a warning.

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:18-20

If you are a Bible believing church, don't skip over any verses, no matter how hard it may be. Every verses is good for man. Stay true to God's word. Don't worry about offending anyone. Only those who live in sin can be offended. But being called out in their sin is the first step to repentance, and eventual acceptance of Christ.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

What are we lacking today? We are lacking good fathers and good leaders.

When Moses was going to die, he conferred with the congregation all the laws God has set. Then the congregation swore to keep God's commandment. Then Joshua was confirmed the new leader by Moses under God's orders.

When Joshua was going to die, (on his death bed as we say today), he too conferred with the congregation and leaders all of God's laws, and the people swore to be committed to God's laws.

When the elders who took over after Joshua died, there is no record of the leaders conferring God's laws. The people turned away from God.

In the accounts of the kings of Israel, when a king would take down the pagan alters and monuments, read confer, and commit to God's laws, the nation prospered. But when this was not done, the people again turned away from God and the nation suffered.

America was once a God fearing nation, and was prosperous. But now too many people have turned away from God, and we are in an economic depression. I know the government wants people to think the economy is getting better, but we still have higher than normal unemployment (above 6%).

If you look at the unemployment rates following the great depression until 2000, it never reached 6%. With the bailout in 2001, unemployment reached above 6% for two months. This was just one company. In 2008, multiple companies, including the same one from 2001, were bailed out. Unemployment has gone above 30%. Worse than the great depression (25%).

We, as a nation, need to turn back to God, and obey God's laws.

The constant warning about not following God's laws was the nation would cease to be a nation. It happened to Israel, and it is happening to America. Only if we turn back to God will America be saved.
There will be a break one way or another. For weeks I've been reading a discussion board and reply to some posts. On there was a woman who is blinding herself to the truth. The Bible says there are people who blind themselves to the truth.

I continued to speak the truth to her. She continued to come back and deny God, the Bible, and even scientific fasts. Finally she decided it was too much. She deleted her all her posts.

The Bible says to stand true in God's word. Many sermons in church tell us to continue to sow the seed of truth. As Christians we are to stand fast in all circumstances in life. Even Jesus said to Love one another, in this way the world will know we are His.

If you are ministering to someone who continues to refuse to listen to the truth, just continue to minister. They will break one way or the other. Either they will finally listen to the truth or run.

We need to save as many people as we can. We are living in a time when people are not listening to sound doctrine. However, there are still those who will listen. For one day the rapture will happen and those left behind will suffer. If you don't like to suffer, why would you allow someone else to suffer when you can do something about it?

Friday, July 17, 2015

What is the 'grey area'? I think of the grey area as man calling sin good. However, God still sees sin as sin. There is no grey area with God.

Yesterday I heard on the radio about one man, who I will not name, being called a Christina but then saying Jesus would saction sin.

How can someone call themselves a Christina and then say sin is good?

To me this is not a sign of a Christina. Remember in the Bible: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.  Revelation 22:18-19

If you claim to be a Christian, guard your minds from the evil of this world, and do not call sin good. We will all be judged.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Bible is terminate, never changing. America was founded on the Bible. The nation was blessed by God. We all have a choice to make. Choose God or be against Him.

Jesus said: He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

Christians accept the Bible and all that is within it. Those who don't like something in the Bible is clearly against Jesus. They choose to reject Jesus.

I received a response today from one such person. I stated a couple of Bible verses, and his response was one of hate.

markdknife went off talking about hate and a plethora of other insane topics. A the end he tried to down grade me because he does not like God's word.

This is stupidity at its highest.

Following God is not easy, but is worth everything.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Fine, gag order not deterring Christian bakers

Fine, gag order not deterring Christian bakers

The courts disregard the Constitution of America. Many are calling for the breaking up of America. With anti-constitutional decisions by courts all across America, it is easy imagine how America will no longer be a nation.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Perception! What does that mean to you? Last night I was told that I don't seem like the kind of person who would be interested in a specific event. Well I would be interested.

In our everyday lives, what kind of perception are we giving out to others? I hope I would give one that honors God, and shows Jesus to the world.

It is not my life but God's life I am to live. God gave us this life we have, and how we use that life we are to be accountable before God for.

Regardless of how you think about God, you will stand to answer for everything you have done in this life.

Live a life that honors God.

Love Didn't Win-It Was Redefined

Love Didn't Win-It Was Redefined

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I have often told people part of the problem causing this depression we are in, is because of the bailouts from 2008 and 2009.

If we look at history, in 1989 Poland went through economic reforms. Many of their factories were not turned over to private ownership for fear of shutting down if they had to compete in a free market. It would have been better to permit them to go out of business. Thane this concept:

Businesses are in business to make money. If they can not make money, they should either change what they are doing in order to make money, or close the business and allow successful businesses to cover their market.

Any business man and woman can tell you a business is in business to make money. This is what businesses exist for: to make money. It is absurd to ruin the economy by subsidizing an enterprise that is economically unviable.

A case in point. In America, the businesses that could not make money and remained in business with the help of the government STILL had to 'lay off' their employees to stop the bleeding of money. These employees were under the impression their jobs would be waiting for them. Until then the employees lost everything they saved for, because they were not looking for work. As a result they ended up having to go on government unemployment assistance. Many employees never got their jobs back.

It would have been better if the company were to go out of business, therefore, letting the employees know they need to be looking for work, than having them hold onto false hope their jobs would still be there for them.

As a result, unemployment went above 30%, which is higher than the unemployment rate of the great depression of the 1930's and 1940's. The government, in a vain hope to make things look better than they really are, only report new claims of unemployment. These numbers never take into account those who continue to be unemployed for more than a month.

In 2000, the government bailed out one company and two months latter the unemployment went above 6%. You may not think that is so bad, but if you look at the historical records, you will find that since the end of the great depression, unemployment never reached 6%. It was only after this one company bailout did it go so high. So in 2008 & 2009, many failing companies received a bailout.

The results; well we are still suffering those results.

My Response to Same Sex Marriage

My Response to Same Sex Marriage

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Supreme Court Ruling: this is foretold in the Bible. If you look back on the history of Israel, many times they turned from God, and God gave them into their sinful desires. There men chased after men, and their women likewise. Then those people would pass away without leaving a new generation to continue the nation. Only the few who did serve God remained and re-populated the nation with God fearing people. Then they turned from God again. This was a repeating cycle until God sent the nation away in captivity. Even after coming back to the land, they still turned from God. After Jesus came, God dispersed Israel about the Earth. It no longer was a nation for nearly 2000 years.

America is on the same path. Why do you think America is not spoken of in bible prophecy?

The 1960's in America were about turning from God's laws and setting up laws that allowed what God does not permit. Now we are two and three generations away from this times, now we are suffering for those sins.

Civil Rights claims were used to put patriots into prison. Now the Supreme Court is directly violating our Civil Rights as Christians. With this new decision, the American government is saying Christians are spreading hate speech, and the Bible is hate media.

Well I have this to say.

The Supreme Court is suppose to answer to Congress, and Congress should tell the Supreme Court 'You will not do this!'

When the courts of the land do not follow the law, then the people will suffer. The courts of America are not upholding the law, and now we Americans will begin to suffer more. Now it the time to fight for your rights given to you by God Almighty!

I personally plan to join my people in our Christian struggle.

Well I have this to say. This decision does not uphold the law. I have been through this in the late 1990's, even being 'encouraged' to forsake God. I was then and am now a Christian. I will not turn from God no matter how much persecution comes down on me.

Praise God! Jesus came to save the world through His sacrifice. No one come unto the Father except through Jesus!

Monday, June 8, 2015

There has been a song featured recently from Naturally 7. The name of the song is Fix You. This song comes across as a love song, and in it they state they will try to 'fix you'.

This song is laughable. No one can 'fix' another person. People often get married thinking they can fix the other person, or go to counseling hoping their spouse will be fixed. This attitude is often the cause of divorce. You can ask any psychologist. Everyone is broken and in need of improvement. We are born in sin and live sinful lives. Only through Jesus' death and resurrection are we saved and made whole.

The singers of this song re implying they are perfect and better than everyone else. This is a condition of human arrogance. We all like to think better of ourselves. We all like to put on a brave face for the public despite our lives are in shambles. Even Jesus talked about this.

Matthew 7:3-5: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Luke 6:41-42: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

We each need to address the issues we have first before we can help others with their own issues.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What happens to people when they get free money? I was recently reading about unemployment insurance, and it reminded me of the time I was on unemployment assistance. To start off, I am one who prefers to work. At the beginning of being on unemployment assistance, I looked for work. However, it was easy for me to fall into the mindset of 'why should I work when I get money for nothing'. This way of thinking has been seen more and more recently in the news because it is the common way of thinking for those whom are on welfare.

What unemployment assistance and welfare recipients miss is not work but the remuneration of work. For it is better to have a lack of wages than a lack of work. That is: it is better not to have this free money.

Having money with out earning it leads to a lack of appreciation for the money. Many who receive unemployment benefits and receive welfare feel entitled. They like having all this money to spend but don't want to work for it.

Since the government is 'paying' out all this money, those who receive it should be given jobs. If you really look at it. On the government web site,, and many other such sites list thousands of open positions. Many of these could be filled with those who are on unemployment assistance and welfare. But for some reason these jobs continue to go unfilled month after month, year after year. I have applied to these jobs many times and never getting a response back.

It would have been great if I had received a letter from the government stating I have been assigned a job with information on the job. Well, I was already getting 'paid'. So why not do the work that goes with it? This is my way of thinking, then and now.

Some measures have been enacted to reduce the number of welfare recipients. More measures need to be put in place.

For those who are on welfare, getting pregnant shows you have a man in your life and don't need the welfare money. For the man, going about having children you too should be dropped from receiving welfare money. Theses same rules should be applied to unemployment assistance.

Since children growing up without both parents together gives rise to irresponsible adults who go about having children they too don't care about, I think it would better if half the non-custodial parent's income go to child support.

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

There are many churches that may teach, or even read from the Bible, but are not for God. A false profit does not want you to be in a true Christian church. I previously posted about a false church. One thing they teach is to leave your current church if they teach certain things. However, the preacher says things in direct contradiction to the Bible.

As we see in Jeremiah 23:31-32: "I am against the prophets who wag their own tongues and yet declare, 'The LORD declares.' Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams," declares the LORD. "They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not benefit these people in the least," declares the LORD.

Revelation 13:11-12: Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 

Many think the second beast is a church leader. There have been speculations made on many of the famous and well known church leaders throughout the world.

The sad fact is we have many churches that are compromising the Bible by accepting what God calls sin into the church. False profits are nothing compared to these once good churches that have now turned their backs on God.

This was also portrayed in a movie called Left Behind (2001). In it a priest tries to convince another man the anti-Christ is a good thing.

There are many different religions around the world. If the second beast is coming from a 'Christian' church, we have many churches that can fit that bill. Anyone one of there bad ministers can be the coming second beast that works for the anti-Christ.

In a sermon for a good pastor, he stated we should not concern ourselves with trying to identify the anti-Christ. We should be concerning ourselves with reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus. He stated the anti-Christ will not be revealed until after the rapture of Christ's church from the Earth. So if you know who the anti-Christ is, then you have been left behind for not putting your faith in Jesus.

If you are in a church and they read out of the Bible, this is a good thing. But you still need to read the Bible yourself. As they read and teach the Bible, verse by verse, be sure they are teaching what is true. If you find what they are teaching about a verse that is contradicted to other parts of the Bible, then it may not be a good Bible based church. Especially if the preacher reads a verse then says 'I don't know what that means'. Remember he is there to teach you. If he does not know, then he needs to become a student again. The best answer a minster can give you is that he will research it and get back to you.

The Bible is big, but if the preacher is not full prepared when he is giving a sermon, then he should not be giving a sermon.

Make sure you are in a good Bible based church, and resist those who tell you to leave the church.

Give honor to God.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Do you go with the flow or against it? Last night I was working the cashier position. I will not reveal the employment information.

A customer came back to buy something else. He started a short conversation with me. At first I thought it was work related. But he was not referring to any transaction related subject.

What he was saying:

He suggested to me that he could 'hook me up' with one of my fellow employees. I told him no. He said he was trying to 'get with her.' He further went on insisting he could get me together with her.

I had to tell him 'no' three times. At first it was a simple no. Then I had to explain 'no' to him. Then I had to further explain 'no' to him.

He eventually walked away.

What is so wrong here? The man was at least in his 30's. My co-worker is 17.

Clearly this man could be a sexual predator.

There are people out there who may come across as 'normal' but they are secretly looking to do something morally wrong and illegal.

Stick with what you know to be good and true. Please read below if you want to know more about these kinds of people. Also research it further.

Distinction from sex offenders

The term "sexual predator" is often considered distinct from "sex offender". Many U.S. states also see these differences legallyA sexualoffender is a person who has committed a sexual offense. A sexual predator is often used to refer to a person who habitually seeks out sexualsituations that are deemed exploitativeHowever, in some states, the term "sexual predator" is applied to anyone who has been convicted ofcertain crimes, regardless of whether or not there is a history of similar behavior. In the state of Illinoisfor instance, a person convicted of any sex crime against a minor is designated a sexual predatorno matter the nature of the crime (violent versus statutory, a young child versus a teenager, etc.), and regardless of past behavior. This has led to criticism that the term is being misused, or overused, and thus has lost its original meaning and effectiveness.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Confront evil. Completely put it out from among you.

We are living in a time where evil is putting out good. God's people, both Christian and Jew, are being attacked everywhere. Even in America we are told to forsake God and conform to evil.

God tells us not to allow evil to persist. God gave instruction to completely put out evil from among you. You can see in any verses in the bible, God says to destroy those who do evil. One example is in Deuteronomy 13:8 - 10.

Jesus confronted using scripture. Often Jesus would ask a person about scripture or quote scripture. These times Jesus taught people the scripture and the meaning. When Jesus came, a lot of distortion about the scripture was in people's minds. Many people knew the scriptures but not how to apply them nor how to live.

When God tells us to put out evil, His meaning is to put the entire source to death. Entire families were destroyed.

The husband is the spiritual leader. If he does evil, then his wife is just like him, and the same can be said for the children. He marries a woman who is supportive of the same evil. Together they teach their children this evil. Then the children go out and spread this evil towards others. We can see this going on in America today. With news reports praising evil people for the anti-society direction they live, social media, and government mandates, it is not hard to see how quickly evil spreads.

In Joshua 7:20-26, we see that God had Israel destroy an entire family because of the sin of the husband. We too must be diligent in removing evil from among us.

I remember in the 1990's there was an effort by homosexuals to put their evil agenda on us. They started with the military. Some people welcomed this. This trend lead to an increase in homosexuals in the military. Eventually we see the military wants all their people to be homosexuals. The Bible states 'a man who lies with a man is an abomination to the Lord.'

You may think it is OK for women to be homosexuals, but it is not. You have to apply the scriptures to the culture. In America equality is taught, therefor, Americans will think 'if two women can be homosexual, then it is OK for two men.' This is still evil. This verse applies to both men and women in American culture.

This jumpstarted the anti-Christian movement that is sweeping America. Now we have Muslim for president, who is telling churches not to preach the Gospel. Muslims are being recruited to invade America under anti-constituional laws. Christians are being forced out of the military, even those who have been serving for decades, without their pensions.

What must we do? you may ask. We must know the Bible by heart. We must read and study the Bible everyday. In so doing, we can see the evil in the world, no matter how subtle it may came. For when something comes is force, we are quickly to resist it. But when something comes subtly, it is slowly accepted. We need to but a stop to all evil not matter what it is and how it comes.

Know and serve God!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Imagine you are driving on a road you have driven countless times before. You turn on your right turn signal, move into the right turn lane when it is time and is clear to do so. You get to the end of the turn lane, stop, check to see if it is clear and safe to turn, then you turn. However you notice a white car dangerously turns into the turn lane and begins to follow you. At the next red light you see the white car behind you and wonder who they are. Then the light turns green and you begin driving. Just then the white car turns on red and blue flashing lights. You follow the law and pull over. The driver and passenger get out and you can see they are dressed like police. They ask you for your license and registration. Everything is fine and the cop says you can go. He keeps your license and goes to his car. Then he and the other one come out put on some gloves and pulls you out of your car and arrest you. You have never committed any crime, and your background check is clean, however, you are arrested and put in prison with no trial.

Sound impossible?

Well it is not. This happened to me.

I was driving in Colorado Springs, CO just as I described. I have not committed any crime. In December the previous year a full criminal background check was done, and it indicated I have no criminal record. Just like you, I wanted to know what was I going to prison for.

The police officer driver told me I am being arrested. Never read me my rights. He would not tell me what crime I am accused of. After looking for a traffic violation, he stated "I can't find a violation to put down." Then he finally said "This one looks good." Sounds corrupt? It is. He could not find a litigate traffic violation to justify him wanting to pull me over. So he made one up. They ransacked my car, taking my wallet and the money that was in it. Had my car towed, and took me to prison. All refusing me critical information. However, they did tell me my brother was informed three years ago, in 2011.

A little background information is needed here. In 2011 I was living and working in Phoenix, AZ. I was not in Colorado nor was I a resident of Colorado. Prior to Phoenix, I lived in Chicago, IL. The only Colorado connection here is the fact I graduated high school in Colorado. Then there is some family who live there, and in several other states.

At the prison, I was refused a lawyer. They said if I pay them $1000, they will let me go. I refused. No one would tell me any information about what crime they accuse me of, and my background check showed that I am an innocent man.

An innocent man in prison!

I was eventually granted a court date. At some point I was released because my mom paid them, however, they kept my money they took from my wallet. I demanded my money be returned, but they refused. They told me they "do not return money." I took this time to get a public defender and build my defense.

They refused me a public defender demanding I pay them for one.

After several days I was able to find my brother who told me he does not know what the police are talking about. He told me in 2011 a woman would come by the house asking for me. He informed her that I do not live there and has no contact with me. I was able to get a signed sworn statement from him testifying to this fact.

I got some consultations from different lawyers. They told me that in Colorado their law says all they need to do is have papers served on someone who knows you. according to my brother, they never gave him any papers. So even their requirement was not fulfilled.

There is nothing in Colorado law stating you need to live in Colorado. Nothing about having a defendant being personally notified of any case filed against them. All they need is to find someone who claims to know you. It does not matter if the someone they find has any contact with you, nor does it matter you live in another state.

The El Paso County courthouse told me I need to pay them $725 so I can defend myself and clear my name. (My mane is already clear as evident by the background check). Additionally, they told me if I wanted to know anything about my case I would have to pay them. I had no intentions of paying them. They should provide me with the information. They refused to tell me what it would cost, and of course I refused to pay them anything. Therefore the El Paso County courthouse refused my right to information. This violated my right to face my accusers and have a fair trial. You can find plenty of Constitutional violations going on.

During this time I fought to get my car back. They wanted me to pay them to get my car.

I know I did not commit any traffic violation, even the police officer admitted he could not find a traffic violation to put on the traffic ticket and had to make up a traffic violation. I went to traffic court and fought the ticket. After two months the City of Colorado Springs, CO traffic court decided "using a right turn lane is not optional. It is reckless driving and you are fined $190 for using the turn lane." There was no way to get out of this. The city of Colorado Springs, CO need money more than they care for justice.

Some background information here. When I graduated high school in Colorado Springs, business was booming. When I was driving there in 2014, I noticed miles and miles of commercial property vacant. Colorado Springs, CO had become a dead city. However, just outside the city, business is booming. As it turns out, the previous decade, the city government began telling businesses to leave town. That was when the business boom in the county began. By 2007, Colorado Springs, CO had become known as city unable to pay its electric bill. This was because the city began shutting down streetlights. Anyone in business knows sales tax from businesses is the majority of revenue for any government. Therefore the city of Colorado Springs, CO forcing businesses out of town resulted in a significant loss of revenue, leading to the city having to find ways to save money. Now they just make up traffic violations just to gain more money. I don't know how this dumb move by the city effects the county's financial position, but consider what followed.

Concerning the other case, I went to the El Paso County courthouse to defend myself only armed with the statement from my brother. I arrived there on time, however, the courtroom did not open its doors on time. Finally after about ten minutes the doors were opened. I went in and took a seat. I waited for the judge to show up. Only one court employee was there. She apparently had all the case information on the computer. After another thirty minutes she came over, handed me a piece of paper, and said I was free to go. I asked her what crime I am accused of. Her response (keep in mind she has the entire case information): "I don't know."

So this entire fiasco was just to have me sit in their courthouse for thirty minutes and be told I am free to go. And this is all because the El Paso County courthouse does not know why.

Something shady is going on in Colorado.

I think it was more than that. The only theme consistent was their demand for me to pay them absurd amounts of money for nothing. So therefore, since the county did get some money, they decided to let me go. This explains why they don't know what crime I was put in prison for.

It is clear Colorado does not care about justice, and has enacted this absurd law in order to acquire more money. They denied me my Constitutional rights. I was not given a trial. I was denied the right to face my accusers. I was denied legal representation. I was not presumed innocent.

I strongly recommend you avoid EVER going to, and living in Colorado!