Thursday, October 3, 2013

We commit idolatry by demanding that dating bring us the love, fulfillment, or desire we want without allowing God to point the way. Dating brings up powerful emotions and needs, and idolatry can become a reality. We need to keep God at the center focus of our lives.

Surrender brings us into proper alignment with God in order to grow up many other things in us and our lives. I met a woman when we were both 13. We did not live in the same neighborhood, however that did not keep us from still hanging out together. Latter that year I took her to the dance at school. For me it was my first dance and event. We continued to be friends over the years. By the time we were in our last year of high school we had become great friends.

You might ask what this has to do with dating and idolatry. In this case we did not have the pressures of expecting a committed relationship latter on in life. We just enjoyed being friends and grew close over the years. We continue to be friends today.

I made the mistake of getting involved with a woman out of ideals and worldly ideas. There was no real personal basis for the relationship. We continued on for three years until she got what she was after. this is an example of not allowing God in the relationship. If I kept my focus on God then I would have looked at the relationship from Gods perspective. I would have realized that she was not correct for me and walked away.

In any relationship it is better to know what God wants rather than going your own way. Each person has their own ideas for the future. these ideas generally don't align. This is where conflict tends to arise. Hearing what married couples have to say, having the same faith and communication are most important. Being blinded by ideas and idolatry block this essential relational aspect. It is best to be friends first.

Having that friendship becomes the firm foundation for any committed relationship.

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