Saturday, October 12, 2013

What are you hunting for? This was the theme of a t-shirt I'd seen yesterday. On the shirt it had deer. Then there was this passage: 'As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.'

What are you searching for in life? This is the ultimate question. When we search for God, all other things in life become unimportant. God then directs us. What truly is important in life soon becomes important to us. With Jesus as the center of our lives, all other things in life begin to take their place of importance and order of priority.

JOY. This is not just a name but an acronym. I have been working on this for the last few months. It means: Jesus, Others, You.

I had been focused on myself for years, and going to church. My priorities were out of line. This lack of alignment contributed to the poor situation I began writing about. When we put our priorities inline with God everything else falls into line.

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