Sunday, September 29, 2013

It is up to the Holy Spirit to get results. It is not up to you to get results.

I left my dear friend and this was stated on the radio when I got in the car. She had told me about asking God for a husband and what that husband is going to be like. When she said this, the thought came accross my mind stating the 'husband may not be ready now because God is still working on that man preparing him to be the husband He has for her'. I believe this was God speaking to me. I have known this could be the reason for me not having a wife, that god is working in my wife's life preparing her to be a wife.

I asked God for a wife many times. You know what, God told me I need to get rid of sin from my life before He would provide. I said 'Just give me a wife and I will stop sinning." God was insistent that I need to stop sinning and get my life in order FIRST. The sin I was in had become burdensome to me and I did not enjoy it, but it was also an addiction. I struggled with that sin for years. I tried making deals with God, an attempt to bargain with God to just remove the sin. God wanted me to 'do the work in resisting the sin and temptation'. I made attempts and lasted a few months or even a year then fell back. Then one day I made a reall effort. The next day I continued that effort. One day lead into the next. Soon it became a week, then two weeks. Soon it was a month, then another month. It has been so long and out of my mind I can not remember when I started. Then God put me together with my dear friend. That was when the temptation ended for me. Now I find myself experiencing something new.

I reminded my dear friend God does not give us more than we can handle. I try to remember this as I am going through this new trial. Even though I am making personal progress, new trials come into my life.

When new trials come into your life just go to Jesus.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sacred! What are you scared of? 2 Timothy 1:7 states:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

We are not given into fear or made to be scared. We are given a spirit of power, love, and sound mind. My suicide attempt took away my fear and gave me hope. God took hold of me. Stating it was like a life after death experience is the best description of what happened.

Life is precious and we are not to be scared of what may be. People are scared of many things in life. Some things consist of changing of situation, relationship, money, work, and for other people in your family.

Because of my experience I have lived my life to the fullest. That changed around March 2002. I don't like the way life has turned out and I am determined not to be limited.

Sometimes we need to die to ourselves to move forward and get past our fears. we should not be afraid to be ourselves, however, we do need to take chances in life. If you are having trouble with a relationship, go to God about it. I was told 'you have to take chances in a relationship. Falling in love is like jumping off a cliff, you just have to believe and let go.

If God is putting someone in your life, pray to God. Believe in God and the situation He has put you in.

I am still learning from my dear friend, and their are times when I still have to go to God about what He wants from her and I. I do pray we will bring praise, honor, and glory to God. Today she again talked about us and how we can't be together.

I had once been in a relationship. This relationship was supposed to be a marriage and we lived like we were married. It was after this relationship ended that my life turned badly. I don't want to be in an unhealthy relationship ever again. My dear friend is in school, and because of that I do not want to add any pressure on her to be in a relationship with me. Being friends with her has been a tremendous blessing for us. I am still interested in seeing what else God has in store for us as we continue to be friends.

I hope that everyone of you can break out of your fear and realize what God has given you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What's in a job? That is something that is on the minds of many people including me. I went to an interview today in the metro city near by. It took two hours to get back. Strange it did not take that long for me to get there. Then I went to a second interview this afternoon. I need to go back for follow up interview.

Over the last five years as this depression has been going on I've been told by many employers they are not looking for someone who has been to college. This is supported by the fact every interview where there was any serious interest the employer did not know I had been to college. In fact I have an MBA. Those jobs where I have noted my degree have not called. However the ones who have called are the ones where I left out the college information. The job I have now they do not know I have any college degree.

I know this is disappointing, then what do you do? I am still hopeful in getting a job. I still apply to jobs I can do and have interest in. It does not make sense to apply for a job you despise. then again I have a job like that. I am still look forward to getting out of this situation.

at dinner my dear friend prayed for control of my thoughts. I wonder what she means by that. We talked about different things and maybe traveling. She asked me if we should bring someone else along on such a travel. To me it seems she is concerned about her safety. She is not alone in that. I would be concerned. However I would make sure she is safe. The term 'over my dead body' is how I fell.

Thinking about this, trust is still foremost on my mind. I always believed trust is earned, not given away. Trust is a big issue for me. I find it difficult to trust people. When growing up I trusted supposed friends who just broke that trust. That kind of early betrayal sticks with me still. It does not help having to be betrayed while I was in the military. It is hard for me to trust someone new. Despite my dear friend being such a wonderful, perfect, beautiful woman, I am still struggling with trust.

My long term friend I have known for over twenty years and I can trust her. However, as I said it takes time. We had known each other long enough to know each other well. But what does it take to earn trust in less time?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I've been thinking of keeping a journal with my dear friend about what God is doing in our lives. The idea came to me a few days ago. Yesterday I shared this idea with her. Today I read the weekly devotional from the pastor at church. In it he talks about when two Christians get together and talk about what God is doing in their lives.

What amazing timing from God. My dear friend has not said she will do this, however, after reading the devotional I think we should try. I am interested in knowing what God is doing in her life.

What we talk about reveals the abundance of our heart and what we are focused upon at that particular moment. Do you speak of the love you have for the Lord?

This is a pivotal moment in life when we get together and talk about God. We draw closer to God when we go to prayer together, talk about His work in our life, and read the Bible. When God is near, the devil is far. God's presence is powerful. Friday last week I felt the presence of God and continued to feel His presence the next day and after. It is an overwhelming experience to be in the presence of God. There is no way to put into words how this feels.

My dear friend does not know I am in prayer for her often. The most common time for me to go into prayer is when she gets angry. I care deeply about her. She knows this and often asked me or more like tells me about my feelings for her. I am not sure what else I can say. I don't know what else to say. She is my dear friend because of what God is doing in my life through her. We have been and continue to be a blessing for each other. Even though God put us together when we would have normally avoided each other, the work God has done is amazing. I am interested in seeing what God has in store for her and I. It is often said 'God's plan, God's timing, is perfect.' What does God have planned for the future? I am excited to find out.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

My dear friend has a blog she writes on occasion. Her most recent she said that I am being a blessing in her life, and she prays that she is somehow a blessing in my life. Well I tell you my dear friend you are being a blessing in my life. There are several prayers you being in my life are being answered. You are currently being a blessing in my life in ways I would have to wait for that 'hindsight' to set in so I can tell you.

I thank God everyday. Thank you God!

Friday, September 20, 2013

What a blessing today! Thank You Jesus!

Many of you know about my dear friend. Not to give out any detailed information, she has certain needs and requires someone to help her with certain things. Her usual helper was supposed to come today but was unable to. This morning while I was out on my morning walk I was thinking about that and prayed to God to allow me to be her helper today. After I got back home and wrote my usual morning blog, the other one, and was checking my e-mail, my dear friend called. She told me that her helper will not be there and asked if I could come over to do the job. This was in less than an hour since I prayed.

Sometimes God takes years to answer prayers, but sometimes He answers them right away. In this case God answered my prayer right away. I greatly enjoyed being of service to my dear friend. Little did I know God was going to answer another prayer while I was there. I made another prayer, that I will not share, about the first of this month. God set this one to be answered back on the 19th of August. Today is the 20th of September. So even before I had prayed to God, He was already setting things in motion to answer a prayer that has not been made.

God has been answering this prayer in another way, one that started with the men's bible study I started last week. Before I left, even thought I tried to sneak out, my dear friend told me something about herself and me at the same time. I am so very thankful for this. As I have mentioned before, this is just another thing for me to work on. I am so very overjoyed about this day, so far, I just can not contain my excitement. Here is the text message I sent to her after I left.

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
This was a blessing.
God bless you my dear friend!

Yes this was such a blessing words just can not describe. Every time God uses her in a new and powerful way  I only have a greater appreciation of her. I pray all you, my readers, will know God in new and powerful ways. I would love to hear your stories of how God is working in your life.

God has been working in my life so much I only have praise to give. Even that seems lacking in how much I am so very thankful to God for putting my dear friend in my life.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Monetary costs are easy to come up with. You just simple look at the money you are spending or have to spend for something. I got paid today. Sounds good for most people, however, I am feeling down about it. In-fact I am distraught. I got paid $149.63. When you have $150 of bills to pay this kind of pay just does not work out well.

I filled up both my cars with gas today with that money. One car I use to transport my dear friend to and from school as well as other places. I am overjoyed to do that for her. I don't ask for anything in return. This is a cost I am glad to pay. Her happiness, well being, and over all wellness is important to me.

Why am I writing this? Well my day has been a disappointing day because of the little money I get. I still can not pay for a place to live, and have to be dependent on others. Something I don't like, however, lets look at the blessings I have.
I have a roof over my head.
I have food to eat.
I have clean clothes.
I have a place to lay my head.
I have a job.
I have people in my life whom care about me.

So why am I so distraught? I shouldn't be. I should be thankful for the blessings I do have. I could have it worse. There are people out there who do have it worse than me. My heart and prayers go out to them.

Thank you Jesus for all You have provided! Amen!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thinking bad thoughts. Today I was told by my dear friend she has bad thoughts about me. I have to admit I also have bad thoughts, however, the difference is what we do with those thoughts. For some it is simple, they act on them. For me I take those thoughts captive and put at the foot of the cross. I don't act on them. I pray to God to clear my mind and clean my thoughts. For others they need to get a different perspective. This is where talking to someone helps.

Many people this someone is a counselor. For others it is a friend. Knowing what to say in to most important thing. Many times all that is needed to for someone to listen. Not that they need someone to fix the problem, just listen.

In more dire cases there is a need to fix the problem. This can be advice, some kind of exercise, or even being there throughout the day.

Whatever the need is, taking bad thoughts captive is at the core of everything. "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26. I know whatever I do I can do with God's help. Nothing I accomplish is worth doing without God.
Life can take many unexpected turns. My dear friend called me yesterday and said she did very well on her test. I am happy for her. Latter than night she called me just to talk about random things. I enjoy our conversations. This morning I checked my phone to see two text messages from her she sent last night after we talked.

Today I agreed to take her to class. At the same time there is a semeniar that may interfere with me being able to fulfill that promise. She has a bible study this morning and I plan to talk to her about today's plans after her bible study is finished.

When two people come together and make commitments to each other, there are times when their individual life plans will come into conflict. It is in times like this we are tested concerning our abilities to cope and make adjustments. We learn to plan on the spot. This is last minute planning. We then see what each other is made of. Do we succeed or fail?

I made a promise to my dear friend and I will find a way to keep it with God's help.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

WOW!. Men's group study was amazing today. We went over the first study and each man had to answer the first question. When it came to my turn I had a realization.

I don't have children and therefore don't understand the concern fathers have for their children. But When asked all I could think of what the car accident my dear friend and I were in. I was not concerned for my well being, all I could think of what my dear friend. At that time she was, and still is, more important than me. This feeling I have for her is what parents have for their children. I now understand why parents are willing to drop everything in order to be there for their children.

When you care for someone more than you do yourself, you are no longer self-centered. This is another one of the prayers I had. I was involved in a rollover car wreck years ago. It confused me when my parents were more concerned about me than the state of the vehicle. I asked God to show me what that is like, and now with my dear friend I understand more clearly what it feels like to place someone else above yourself.

One definition I heard for love was to value someone else more than yourself.

I went to see a movie called 'The Investigator'. One point in this movie really touched me. There was a scene where a father come in and discovers his son is dead. I don't want to think about what it would be like if I lose my dear friend.

After I returned home, the second part of my order was waiting at the door for me. I picked it up and took in the mail. Good news in the mail as well. I got my medical card. I opened the mail and finally the package. After inspecting it, I went to move the car but the wheel was stuck. That's was I get for parking and applying the parking break in a spot where there is going to be flooding rain water.

I was so mad at this and worried. I went to work on it, including taking off the tire and it would not turn. I prayed to God and then one last whack the break released. I put the tire back on and then applied the bumper sticker. Thank God again.

Service tonight was great too. Today my dear friend asked me for a ride to church. I was overjoyed to be of service to her.  After church she told me she does not want me to spend any more money on stuff for her. She was clearly concerned, but her concerns are not necessary. I told her I have done foolish things in my life, but being available, there for, and of service to my friends has never been one of them.

Being there for your friends and being of service to tem is a blessing. There is no reason to be concerned. What I do is not so much for my dear friend but for Jesus. We are to be of service one to another. This is what is taught in the Bible. I think Jesus may have even said it.

All day God has been there. Today has been about God. God has been showing me how he has been answering my prayers. Even with my dear friend God has constantly been showing me how he has been using her to answer many of my prayers. I know God is using me to answer her prayers. The thing is we just can not see what those prayers are that God is working in our lives unless we tell each other.

Do you see God working in your life through the people God put in your life?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Giving up! Is it worth giving up? After last night I am at a point where I wonder if I should truly give up. Last night my dear friend told me something I am wondering about. She tells me she likes going out with me doing stuff but mostly what we do is just go out and eat. To me it seems like I am just the 'dinner friend'. This is getting me down. I don't want to be thought of as the 'dinner friend', I enjoy doing other things than just going out and eating.

I like to hike, ride my bike, go bowling, the list can go on and on, but the fact is I like to get out and be active. I have dropped over 50 pounds of excess weight. I really want to keep that going. My goal is 175lbs. or less. I know moderation is good to healthy weight, but constantly going out and eating just seems counterproductive to me.

I will continue to tutor her. I sincerely want to see her graduate with high scores. But what next? I enjoy spending time with her.

Have you ever had a friend you really liked that you wondered what to do next?

That was what I wrote this morning before going to work. I have been in prayer about this and God has been talking to me. God wants me to continue in this friendship. He was very clear. If I were to abandon this friendship then I will ruin what God has planned. I am not interested in messing up what God has planned anymore. Although there are good things to having a meal with someone. So maybe being the dinner friend is not so bad.

There have been times when I followed God and everything was going well then one last thing and I went my own way. The results were disastrous. Guess that could easily explain my current predicament. Although I can not see what God has planned for this friendship I will continue to be friends with her. I know every time I see her I am in a better mood and for a time all my worries fade away. Of course we will talk about the problems in due time.

I made a commitment to my dear friend to tutor her for this class. To me a commitment is the same as a promise. You all know that I do keep my promises. This is a four month commitment that I will keep. I also made a commitment to God and today God reminded to of that commitment. I looked at the ring and was reminded of God.

As I wonder what will happen after the class is over and she has passed with very high scores, I hope God will let me know what is next. I still wonder about the future.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What a powerful message. Service last night talked about the storms of life and how difficult things can get. It is reassuring to know that Jesus is above the storms of life. We should keep our eyes on Jesus knowing the storms will pass.

Storms in life does produce perserverience and greater understanding of Jesus Christ. We have to learn from the storms of life. When we look back on these stroms in life we see how God was there for us. We can take these lessons and share them with others. It is while we are in these storms that we strengthen our faith in Jesus.

We need to seek Jesus for the correct reasons. Do we seek Jesus to make our life better or because of who He is? Often times I have gone to Jesus in prayer for the wrong reasons. My prayers have changed to focusing on other people and them myself last. Yes it is true that my life is difficult now. I am in a storm of life. But I know Jesus is over the storm. There are things I am learning in this time of life I can share with you and everyone else. All I have is the promises of God. I am constantly reminding myself and relying on the promises of God.

We are never to stop following Jesus and taking part in the bread of life. We were designed to be in relation with Jesus. When we walk away from Jesus we feel empty. In these times we realize that we were most happy being relation with Jesus.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Making a prayer comes with a cost. The cost varies but you can bet it will be something you are holding on to.

I made some promises to my dear friend. I have been keeping track on them. Today I can now fulfill two of those promises. These are simple promises to do something or get something done. One started out as just a simple wash and return to wash, repair, and return. I have yet to return the clothes.

The other promise involves getting something fixed. I was resting this morning due to a few days of lack of sleep and the onset of a cold. I woke to the doorbell ringing several times. I know what this was about. I got up and retrieved the package. I went thru the package and made sure everything was good and in working order. Now I want to get this over to my dear friend, but at the same time I want to surprise her. She may have no idea I got everything taken care of.

For the most part I did not do the majority of work. I said I would get it taken care of. For one item I do know how to wash clothes. So that was well within my abilities. The other item I planed to have professionals do all the work. So in that case I said I will get it taken care of.

Now it is just a waiting game. My dear friend is in class now. I hope to meet with her at a time she is done with homework and is not busy.

What does a promise mean to you? I made a promise to God. I may have hard times keeping that promise, however, I am doing my best to keep the promise. I am in prayer everyday. I know with God's help I will succeed.

Do you keep your promises? What is it like when someone breaks their promise to you? I would love to hear your thought. You can post them where only I can see them.

God bless you!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Have you heard of a song by FFH titled Undone? Well I have and it is one of the few songs that I really take note of.

In the song there are a few lines:

Come undone, surrender is stronger
I don't need to be the hero tonight
We all want love we all want honor
Nobody wants to pay the asking price

In the old testament Moses had seen God's back side. He was protected from seeing God in full. This caused a massive change in Moses. When he come down from the mountain, it was clear to all there that Moses was not the same.

Isaiah 6:5 'Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.'

These two verses were part of a sermon I heard years ago. Granted I butchered that sermon, but the point was no one could stand in the presence of God and survive. Their sins, no matter how small they may seem, will be revealed. Such person would become undone. Their entire life would become undone. At the time I was still struggling with a sin destroying my life. I knew if God were to undo myself and life it would be painful, but the end result would be better than what I have.

My dear friend mentioned in her blog about a prayer she made and how God was answering it. Today I felt like God was telling me that it was time for me to tell her about my prayer. I do not want to disturb her while she is in class, so I will share it with all of you.

 I prayed to God that He would make me undone. I desperately wanted to stop sinning and live for God in all my ways. The process was slow at first. God told me I needed to resist and stop sinning first. Just like Jesus said to the woman after the crowd left, God told me to 'sin no more.'

After I had been resisting and stopping myself from sinning that most pressing sin, God sent a Christian woman into my life. A bit of a story on this. I signed up for a Christian dating site and had not used it for over a year. Then one day I get a message and responded. The message was from this Christian woman. She tells me she did not initiate contact with me, so I take it that God must have done the initiating. We did arrange to meet and have become friends.

Little did I know God was going to use this Christian woman to begin the work of undoing my life. The significance of how God has used her to change my life is why I refer to her as my 'dear friend'. Everything I was holding on to and building a wall against the world is all rolled up in this perfect package I call my dear friend. God has shown me the things in my life I have been denying, holding me back, and what He was not pleased with.

This process began before we met. There is one thing about her I would have walked away from, but God told me to go and meet her. In the next two weeks we met then God really began working. I finally had a breakdown in front of her. There have been a few others since then, but these are just God cleaning out my life. It is also now that God is working on several other prayers as he is undoing my life.

We continue to remain friends. God is still working on my life. There are times when I just want to give up, but God is there telling me to carry on and directing me. I do not regret my prayer. I am very thankful for my dear friend. I do look forward to seeing what God has in store for me.

Do any of you want God to change your life?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Last night I was talking with a friend from Bible study who is bipolar. We talked about a few things. It came to my attention during service that I need to see about contacting someone I have no idea is alive or dead, and that I have no idea, other than a fleeting thought, how to contact. Looking over the issues, I would have to say I don't intend to contact this person.

there were some unresolved issues regarding this person. So why is God bringing this person to my attention? For me I closed the book on this person and should not concern myself any further. But still I feel like God want me to do something.

If anything is done I would need to contact someone to look into the issue. For me to go looking into the issue would be inherently bad. But this someone is in a position to better handle the issue. I think I will let it be taken care of by other people.

A while back I asked God to do a certain work in my life. I knew it would be a big work, painful, and in the end turn out for the best. I am not thinking this is part of that prayer.

When you think that God has dealt with everything in your life, He finds something new to deal with.  I have to say this time in my life, ever since the beginning of July, has been God answering that prayer. Over the last two weeks I have realized God has been answering other prayers at the same time. It is amazing how God works to answer multiple prayers at the same time.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Have you ever had a friend.....

This question can be finished in many ways. This morning my friend sends me a message. Now I took that message to mean 'I am busy doing homework'. I had no intentions of bothering my firend today. I had things to do and have been working on getting them done. My plan for today was to get this stuff done before I had to be at work. Part of what I was doing was  I found a job, got the address, looked at the map, and headed out to apply to the job. At the second traffic light my friend calls, says something, and hung up. I could not hear because a car next to me was blasting music making it hard for me to hear what was being said. I tried calling back, my friend answered then hung up.

Now I am worried, thinking something is wrong. I am stressing out concerned for my friend. So many thoughts kept going thru my mind while I was going over there.

Just a note here. A real friend will drop everything to be there for their friend no matter what is going on.

I drive straight there to find my friend is fine. That was such a relief for me. My friend does this sometimes. It drives me crazy. We were able to straighten things out. I am very relieved my friend is doing well.

My friend and I are alike in many ways, yet we have our differences. I care about all my friends. Some friends we see each other from time to time, others more often. This I would define as my close circle of friends. It is this closeness where friends can have these moments of tension and aggravate each other. The good thing about friends is caring for each other, not being judgmental, and accepting. Friends love each other on many different levels.

How would you finish the beginning question?
I have a friend who is wonderful. We have our good times and bad, but we are friends. My friend at times tells me at times things that just get my mood down. This morning I received one of these messages.

In times like this I am going to God in prayer. In times like this I am reminded to seek God. My friend has a paper on the wall. I can not remember the exact words. I do know it says to seek, thank, praise, and worship God in different times. Ok I really burtchered it, but after this message from my friend I am reminded of that paper.

I continue to go to God in prayer. I hope this morning will not adversely affect my day.

My morning started off well. I excercised, did my morning Bible study, applied to several jobs, paid some bills, and took care of some other things I've been putting off. So my day started off well.

After all this I still wonder why my life is like this. I know the answer but still ask. Maybe its God's way of getting me motivated to make changes. Let's just say it is working. Thank You God! Amen!

Anyone have issues you just can't figure out? Friends?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A cost we can see is the money we put into something. Tonight I took a friend out shopping and then dinner. I did not do this for me but for her.

Personal costs are even harder to calculate. I know my life has been in shambles for years. I am thankful to God for all the belssings he has provided. I could be homeless now, but I am not. I accepted an offer years ago to live with my parents. I honestly don't want to live like this, but I am still thankful for having a roof over my head.

My dear friend gave me a talk about my situation. I don't know why but I can't seem to get out from under this situation. The one thing I can see stopping me from improving my situation is not having a good paying job.

Don't get me wrong, I have a job, it just does not pay very well. I am in the process of getting another job that pays more, but there seems to be roadblocks there too. This job does come with some personal costs. It will take away from my time with friends and family.

It is such a delima for me. I want to be around peple, but it seems like my independence depends on me being lonely.

Do you ever find yourself in a similar situation? Do you find yourself conflicted on what you want and what you are willing to do?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Counting the costs. What do I mean by this? Why did I start this blog?

After all I have not posted anything new for some time in this blog. I started this blog to talk about some of the costs involved in getting to know someone and for that someone to part of one's life.

Well today I received a text from that someone about getting a free drink at Chick-Fil-A. I kept thinking about going there all day. Latter as I was getting off work I began thinking of writing. So thinking of two different things it just come naturally to put the two together. I texted her to let her know what I was going to do. Not that I was expecting to get a response from her, just letting her know. I intended to go by myself and if she showed up or not, I would not made a difference.

She sent me a text message saying I should go by myself. I was driving there when I received the text. I sent a response, and got one back. Well to cut this part short, after a few texts and some driving, I was there. I got a salad and the drink. I started working on my new book but it was not easy. Because of the text message I continued to wonder if she was coming or not. Well I was able to start a new chapter. I finished my salad, still had some drink left, and still kept wondering if she was coming. I began thinking it would have been best not to have received the text message. I packed up my computer and re-filled my drink then went home.

This was a learning experience for me. I finally realized I should have either not sent the original text or included in that text not to respond. Either way I would have not been expecting her to come and may have written more material for my new book.

It is experiences like these that get people thinking. I am certainly thinking. I still care for my friend, and enjoy spending some time with her.

I was told by another friend: when two people come together they bring in their baggage and their own personalities, and there will be things to work out. This is true regardless of the relationship. That is any relationship (friends, dating, marriage, accquences, enemies).

We all grow up in some sort of house environment with adults that direct or don't direct how we should behave. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and when we finally get out into the world these behaviors will be what each person expect from those they meet. It is thru social interactions in all stages of life that we learn other ways of thinking and doing things. It is because of these differences people get along well and also have conflicts. Being open and honest with each other lets us know what we are doing is either accepted or not. This is where growing and maturing come from.

We can say we are grown and mature simply due to our age, however, age does not make a person grown and mature. It is our interactions with people, weather one time or repeatedly, where we truely grow and mature.

It is said we are done growing and maturing when we are dead. When God calls us home are we really grown and mature therefore we have gained all we can from this mortal life. I hope all of you get the most out of this life before God calls you home.

I would love to hear your stories. You can post comments where only I can see them.