Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thinking bad thoughts. Today I was told by my dear friend she has bad thoughts about me. I have to admit I also have bad thoughts, however, the difference is what we do with those thoughts. For some it is simple, they act on them. For me I take those thoughts captive and put at the foot of the cross. I don't act on them. I pray to God to clear my mind and clean my thoughts. For others they need to get a different perspective. This is where talking to someone helps.

Many people this someone is a counselor. For others it is a friend. Knowing what to say in to most important thing. Many times all that is needed to for someone to listen. Not that they need someone to fix the problem, just listen.

In more dire cases there is a need to fix the problem. This can be advice, some kind of exercise, or even being there throughout the day.

Whatever the need is, taking bad thoughts captive is at the core of everything. "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26. I know whatever I do I can do with God's help. Nothing I accomplish is worth doing without God.

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